Third party Wii controllers and accessories

jaredjared College Station, TX Icrontian
edited February 2007 in Science & Tech
It is no secret that the Wii has been crushing Sony's PS3 in terms of sales. Many people say it is because the gaming experience is simply better while others claim the price is holding back the PS3. Whatever the case is, third party developers are sure showing the Wii some love.

Over the past couple of weeks we have seen a plethora of new products and designs for the Wii hit the internet. Some of them look rather useless; however, some of the products look like they would really enhance the gaming experience.

First, there is the Pongle Wiimote. Unfortunately this product is only a concept and there are no signs that it is heading to development anytime soon. But that doesn't have to stop us from dreaming? This controller is a perfect example of the type of innovation the Wii inspires.

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Enough of the dreaming, how about something you can buy right now? Well there is the Wii Sports Pack. This assortment of plastic comes with a tennis racket, golf grip and baseball bat that you can snap onto your regular Wiimote. This is perfect for the gamer who wants a more authentic experience playing Wii Sports.

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If you want something a bit safer for the little ones the Nerf Sports Pack might be for you. Strangely enough the Nerf Sports Pack is almost the identical to the Wii Sports Pack, but competition never hurt anyone right? The Nerf Sports Pack also contains a tennis racket, golf grip and baseball bat; but unlike the Wii Sports Pack, these are made with cushiony foam instead of hard plastic. This bundle is expected to hit the stores in the early summer.

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  • NLichtmanNLichtman Spring Valley, CA
    edited February 2007
    I say that it's both. The wii is simply more friendly...
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