Adobe Creative Suite 3 coming soon

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Get ready, <strike>pirates</strike> photographers start your engines. According to a Merrill Lynch analyst Adobe will likely start shipping the long-awaited Creative Suite 3 as early as the end of March.
The graphics and photographer community has been waiting eagerly for the release of CS3, which will be the first version to natively support the new Intel line of Apple computers. Until now users have been forced to run CS2 in emulation mode that is considerably slower.
Creative Suite 3 brings many updates but perhaps the biggest updates are to Photoshop. Photoshop CS3 promises to pack a punch for the advanced user with updates to the interface, image handling, printing, and more.
Get ready, <strike>pirates</strike> photographers start your engines. According to a Merrill Lynch analyst Adobe will likely start shipping the long-awaited Creative Suite 3 as early as the end of March.
The graphics and photographer community has been waiting eagerly for the release of CS3, which will be the first version to natively support the new Intel line of Apple computers. Until now users have been forced to run CS2 in emulation mode that is considerably slower.
Creative Suite 3 brings many updates but perhaps the biggest updates are to Photoshop. Photoshop CS3 promises to pack a punch for the advanced user with updates to the interface, image handling, printing, and more.
they have the timing rigged!
(<— GIMP user. Yeah it's no Photoshop, but at least it isn't MS Paint.)
I am more interested in Adobe changes with the Macromedia studio, mainly Flash.
Yeah, I'm a bit concerned about that as well. Most specifically, I want to know if they're going to turn them into single-platform buys. Macro has always sold dual Mac/PC discs, while Adobe kept them separate. I want to know which way the wind is blowing on that one - I can't afford a separate copy for my Mac
*Insert "I'm with Stooopid" emoticon......:D
I'm in the same boat as you guys, only had CS2 installed for a year myself...
...knowing Adobe's previous track record, me thinks we will get a " CS2 users? We don't see any CS2 users... Pay full price please!" as a response.
I know, I know. I saw you had tetris in the arcade so I was like why not.
Quick article blurb about flash
Another thing I don't understand is why Adobe is keeping fireworks.
I been using Photoshop CS3 about 3 months. Only thing I notice is that it loads faster, I enjoy the new interface, and some functions more efficient then cs2. If you can't spare the $150 to get an upgrade I would say wait and buy the new flash or illustrator.