I am fed up with this c:/windows/system32 error here is what Ive tried!

edited February 2007 in Hardware
Sorry for creating another topic, however I did not want to be overlooked. I recieved the error that "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I have used the XP Home Edition CD and ive tried every damn thing listed on plenty of websites. The first time i booted recovery console it asked what system did I want to boot into and i chose option 1 then it asked for the password. I followed all of the steps : copy c:/windows/system32/system and so on ..THEY ALL WORKED! except for when I got to the last step it said repair system32/system and it said the file could not be found. I keep getting this error message everytime i try to follow someones instructions on trying to fix this issue. Futhermore, when I try the reocvery console it no longer asks for an administrator password because it just goes to C:\Windows\> ..I am so frustrated because i am somewhat of a newbie when it comes to boot fixes and stuff. I have heard that i can replace the system file from the cd but I do not know exactly how to do that. I have also heard people who renamed the system file and changed things around which I do not know how to do. I need instructions...ones that are easy to follow. I havent had this TOSHIBA SATELLITE LAPTOP for 2 MONTHS! I called the company and they told me to use the only disc that the computer came with to restore everything and it will wipe out the computer. I CANNOT DO THAT! I have so much work on this computer that I need to bring back to class next week or else I can fail. This includes two term papers, my important photos,music and abook I am writing is on there. Thank you


  • edited February 2007
    ive found this guy who has the same issue as I
    Bobbuk wrote:

    I have the problem that you two guys are trying to fix for everyone.

    I have tried the following solution from Schrock Innovations that was posted in a similar thread.

    I have also tried the method described in Thrax's document.

    I have now got to the stage on re-boot whereby I have two options to select, either the Windows XP that is now there from the boot.ini procedure I followed and the original XP installation.

    I have tried BOTH of these, and still my PC fails to boot, and I still get the message:

    windows\system32\config\ is either missing or corrupt

    I have also tried booting in Safe Mode and selecting: Last good configuration. This does not work and I get greeted by that now familiar statement saying I'm screwed.

    Now I have five questions:

    1) And somewhat obviously the first question, is there a way around this now, or am I only left with the choice of a full re-installation of XP?
    2) The Schrock Innovation article states, that if it still will not work, then the folder which holds the files you are trying to copy has been deleted. If this is the case, can I connect my Hard Drive to another computer and copy the FOLDER to my system32 area, and then try a re-boot?
    3) Failing any of the above, I'm assuming I can connect my Hard Drive to another PC, and then copy any vital data I need before doing a complete re-install of Windows XP on my machine. If this is so, I'm assuming I need a caddie. Is there a certain sized caddie I need? Any steps I should follow?
    4) Im assuming its too early for anyone to tell whether Vista would have the same issue?
    5) And now it has happened once, what are the chances of this happening to my machine in the next few months and having to go through this whole process again?

    My machine is an Acer Aspire 1691 Wlmi with XP Home Edition and my machine has 2GB RAM.

    As an afterthought, I have read other threads that indicate it could be a RAM problem, could this still be the case for me even though the above two methods I have tried do not work?

    Many thanks for any help you can offer me, and apologies if I have missed something previously explained that I should have done!
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Musicman I had one of those a couple months ago. I think when you say:
    I followed all of the steps : copy c:/windows/system32/system and so on ..THEY ALL WORKED! except for when I got to the last step it said repair system32/system and it said the file could not be found.

    ...you are referring to a step in this KB article. How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting If you typed what happened and are referring to the first copy command in Step 1 of that article, you can pretty much ignore that step. The reason you can't copy it is the same reason you can't boot up. It's gone. Just keep going with the other steps. The important ones are when you copy the files from c:\windows\repair over to c:\windows\system32\config\.

    If one of the five files is missing from c:\windows\repair\, then you can still come back from this. But.............you pretty much need to go into your hard drive with something like Barts PE and just move the registry from the System Restore as they describe in Step 3 of the KB article. I would waste a lot of breath explaing how to make a Barts disk here. But if you make one (and you'll need to borrow a computer to do it) you can get into the last restore point and move copies of the five registry files over to c:\windows\system32\config\. Then you remove the Barts disk and reboot. Worked for me a couple months ago. You need time, patience. You don't need guts cause your computer is already pretty well hosed.

    If you're interested, look up the Barts stuff here. What you get is a bootable CD. You boot off of that instead of going into Windows.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    ...it will wipe out the computer. I CANNOT DO THAT! I have so much work on this computer that I need to bring back to class next week or else I can fail. This includes two term papers, my important photos,music and abook I am writing is on there.

    If this is all too much for you and you just want to get the data off and start over, you could do that too.

    Do you have access to a friend's desktop computer?

    You could take your hard drive out, put it in the friend's computer (hooking it up with a laptop hard drive converter like this) and then copy the files onto his system or a jump drive. That would at least let you get your important stuff off before you need to start over. If you put them both on the same IDE cable, you'll need to make sure that both hard drives have their jumpers set to "cable select" or set his to "master" and yours to "slave".

    If you need more help with this process let us know. It would be helpful if the friend was technically literate and/or built their own computer. Especially since messing around with hard drives will likely make them very nervous unless they understand what you're doing ;)
  • edited February 2007
    omg i am on my grandmothers computer and i have this brand new laptop i dont know how to do this AT ALL!!!! i have an ipod 60 gb ...can i use that? to store my data on?
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Music I didn't catch the part Gen Keebs caught...that you really need the data...and soon. Take his advice. If you don't get what he linked to, go get a 2 1/2 inch hard drive enclosure. It will be about $20 and you can just take the hard drive out of your laptop and plug it into any other computers' USB port. It will show up just like a flash drive and you copy off any files you need.
  • edited February 2007
    but my 60gb ipod works just like another harddrive
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    That's fine. My kid uses his iPod to backup files too. But you've got to get the hard drive out of your lappy and plug it into something else so you can then connect the iPod.
  • edited February 2007
    ooooooooooooooooh boy....this is like another language

    is there someone who can help me try to fix this using the BARTSPE thing..is that my only hope before I must take this harddrive out
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    mtrox wrote:
    Music I didn't catch the part Gen Keebs caught...that you really need the data...and soon. Take his advice. If you don't get what he linked to, go get a 2 1/2 inch hard drive enclosure. It will be about $20 and you can just take the hard drive out of your laptop and plug it into any other computers' USB port. It will show up just like a flash drive and you copy off any files you need.

    That's a much better idea.

    OK musicman, here's your scenario:

    Buy this with overnight shipping if you need it fast or go to a local tech shop / computer store and ask for a "2.5 inch USB hard drive enclosure".

    Take the back off your laptop and remove the hard drive. You'll need a screwdriver. It's not as scary as it sounds. Post back if you need help with this.

    Put the hard drive into the enclosure and plug it into your grandma's computer.

    If you have the new version of iTunes, you can enable your iPod to be used as a jump drive, yes. Plug in the iPod at the same time. BOTH devices should now appear under My Computer. Open up your hard drive and drag and drop the files onto your iPod.

    If you're worried about using the iPod or not sure how to do it, just pick up a jump drive at the same time as you buy the enclosure and use that instead. It's definitely worth the money to have one.

    Now you can take the jump drive wherever you need to e-mail / print / do whatever with your documents, or just save them until you can call Toshiba and re-do the operating system from scratch.

    Let us know if you need more help!
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    ooooooooooooooooh boy....this is like another language

    is there someone who can help me try to fix this using the BARTSPE thing..is that my only hope before I must take this harddrive out

    What ^^Keebs^^ said. If you don't know how to make a disk from an .iso image, it's a much easier route than Barts......trust me.
  • edited February 2007
    OMG!!!!!!!!! my recovery console wont work anymore either it doesnt ask me to log into windows or for an administrator password it just says C:\
  • edited February 2007
    ill try the barts thing first since i have no way of buying online or heading to the store tonite in this weather......:(
  • edited February 2007
    what if I borrow someones vista disk and upgrade or try to repair install
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited February 2007
    Music, those ideas would take all night....I mean all night. And we're not all going to be here all night. I know you're panicked about it, but if weather is the problem, wait till tomorrow when you can go get a 2.5" hard drive enclosure. It is FAR less risky than your ideas, and either way you are not going to be back up in 2 hours. Go have a beer, chase some blonde at the bar...maybe even get lucky. But if you can't go buy a hard drive enclosure tonight, its just not going to get solved tonight.

    You'll thank us when you get the USB hard drive enclosure. You won't believe how simple it is to get your files off.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited February 2007
    USB enclosure gets my vote.
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