Dell to Sell Linux PCs

PC World: Customers convince Dell to plan a new line of Linux-loaded desktop and notebook computers.,129363/article.html#,129363/article.html#
Sledge, for a power user like you, Linux can be the best OS to play with. It is not a requirement in any way but configuring and compiling your own new kernel and booting again is such a unique pleasure. And you do not need to deal with ridiculous things like WGA to use the new version of kernel. I did so many times, it is still fun. Especially after reading Thrax's latest VISTA article, you will be amazed how nimble Linux can be on system resources while giving so much performance.
I forgot to add one of the most important disadvantages of Linux, especially for a family computer: Windows games.
WINE works for some games doesn't it?
Yes, WINE runs some of the Windows games but sometimes does not even run the installation program. You might want to check Cedega at for running Windows games on Linux. They build their technology on Wine and specialize on Windows games.