How to get help with programming problems!

shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
edited March 2007 in Internet & Media
Hello, and welcome to Short-Media's Coding & Web Forum. We will try to help you as best we can. Please follow these guidelines to make our (and your) lives easier.

0) Try the search function. Someone may have asked the question before, and the answer may be easier (or harder!) than you think.

1) We are not here to do your homework. Please have some idea of how you want to do the work, either in pseudocode or a program that you have at least attempted to write and compile. This means that posting the assignment and saying "I can't do number 1" may not get you that much help.
1a) Don't be discouraged by this if you feel like you have no idea how to do the work. Explain what you've tried and what you're hung up on.

2) If you have code to post, post it inside "php" tags:
your program goes here
[/php]This will keep the indents, and stop the forum from mangling your code. It will make people much more willing to read it. If your code is very long, you can also attach the source file to your post (you may need to change the filename to whatever.txt).

3) If you have errors that you need help with, post them! If they reference a line number, please try to indicate what line they correspond to in your code.

4) Please tell us how you found us (google, other search engine, randomly typing in an address).

5) See suggestion #2

6) Stick around after you get your answer. We have plenty of other forums to waste time in. You may also find that we are more willing to help someone who's hung around for a while.
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