What Happened to Signature
San Antonio Texas
What happened to the signature block that used to show I was part of team 93 and showed work units and ranking? I've been deployed for the past few months but posted in spyware forum and noticed it wasnt in my post.
Do I need to go somewhere or do something to get it back?
Do I need to go somewhere or do something to get it back?
Yeah, things have changed alittle
But for the good I think, we have like a game room now.
But, the members are still the same Just alittle more of them.:)
You'll need to use the OLD generator for another site, and they'd have to have javascript enabled (most do not - it's a security flaw).
Sorry, I'll try to whip up a foreign-forum-friendly version in the future
Ok, sig works but the added tags (TeamSM:Score, TeamSM:Units and TeamSM:Rank) are not.
<!--TeamSM:Score--><!--TeamSM:Units-->Could it be because I added Team Score:, Team Units: and Team Rank: before each tag? I thought it would be nice to have something telling what are those bunch of numbers added under the sig.
ie: [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]96673067113619913 (at the time of generation)
After I click submit, is there something else I need to do to get signature to work?