TeamSpeak Server keeps getting hacked
The heart of radical Amish country..
I need some expert advice and I couldn't think of a group more qualified than this one. The problem is that our TeamSpeak server keeps getting hacked. The server itself is not public, it's completely private. The same script-kiddie is constantly getting access and I'm unsure how. I don't have root access in order to log the kiddie. The TeamSpeak forums had some good advice So I've disabled a number of permissions for SA. I've revoked the ability for SA's to Grant SA's and revoke SA's. Disabled the ability for SA's to remove a users registration or delete players. But one thing I didn't do was limit the amount of SA's. Since the TS got hacked last night, I will be deleting everyone's registration and starting over with usernames and passwords I will be assigning. My fear is that among our 20 users there is someone running a trojan/keylogger and doesn't even know it.
What are the steps to verify that a computer is clean of trojans and keyloggers?
I'm thinking of having everyone run Hijackthis and sending me the log. Then having them run some type of scanner.
What are the steps to verify that a computer is clean of trojans and keyloggers?
I'm thinking of having everyone run Hijackthis and sending me the log. Then having them run some type of scanner.