Need list and descriptions of system files

MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
edited July 2003 in Science & Tech
Can anyone provide me with or send me in the direction of finding a list of the system files and their descriptions for win98/se (I'll take ME or XP).


Vnetsup.vxd Microsoft Networking
Ndis.vxd Microsoft Networking
Ndis2sup.vxd Microsoft Networking
Javasup.vxd Microsoft Java
Vrtwd.386 Clock
Vfixd.vxd Video Phone helper
Vnetbios.vxd Microsoft Networking
Vserver.vxd Microsoft Networking
Vredir.vxd Microsoft Networking
Dfs.vxd Microsoft Networking
Ndiswan.vxd Microsoft Networking
Msmouse.vxd Microsoft Mouse

Any help would be appreciated
:banghead: .


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