Thanx For The Driver!
:cool: Short-Media Rocks!!!
Damn skippy! Actually, the purpose of registering, on my end of course, was to publicly 'thank' Short-Media for graphics drivers (i.e. Neo128XD.exe) I downloaded yesterday!
Moreover, the 'drivers' were for my grandson's Dell Laptop, that was absent/void of any supporting software - upon receiving the unit, from his uncle. Said 'uncle' could have been a bit more accommodating,.. I won't hassle it. Besides; "if it's free - it's for me!!!" Are you feeling that perhaps?
Additionally, I browsed endless driver download sites and forums, with no luck! Many of the driver download sites are "harboragers of spyware" (e.g. driverguide dot something), whereby downloads are conditional, as per installing bundled programs along with the desired file - not conducive to maintain the pc's integrity, otherwise insalubrious!
Conversely, of the hundreds of sites viewed, only (2) were otherwise 'user friendly' (e.g. Short-Media), not conditional to allowing 'spyware' and intrusive ads, and opinion pollings/surveys of sorts to be able to download files. And may I add (no pun intended - ads!), the targeted drivers, were not available anyway!!!
With that said, your site, was a refreshing change - a savior, considering my frustrations, previously mentioned of course. Hence, I felt compelled, to join the forum, to post my positive experience - without being initially required (i.e. to begin with) to join, to facilitate the process (e.g. download drivers etc.) actually! To be concise - it's obligatory, otherwise I could not feel truly fulfilled, in an appreciation context....
Matty Midura
Damn skippy! Actually, the purpose of registering, on my end of course, was to publicly 'thank' Short-Media for graphics drivers (i.e. Neo128XD.exe) I downloaded yesterday!
Moreover, the 'drivers' were for my grandson's Dell Laptop, that was absent/void of any supporting software - upon receiving the unit, from his uncle. Said 'uncle' could have been a bit more accommodating,.. I won't hassle it. Besides; "if it's free - it's for me!!!" Are you feeling that perhaps?
Additionally, I browsed endless driver download sites and forums, with no luck! Many of the driver download sites are "harboragers of spyware" (e.g. driverguide dot something), whereby downloads are conditional, as per installing bundled programs along with the desired file - not conducive to maintain the pc's integrity, otherwise insalubrious!
Conversely, of the hundreds of sites viewed, only (2) were otherwise 'user friendly' (e.g. Short-Media), not conditional to allowing 'spyware' and intrusive ads, and opinion pollings/surveys of sorts to be able to download files. And may I add (no pun intended - ads!), the targeted drivers, were not available anyway!!!
With that said, your site, was a refreshing change - a savior, considering my frustrations, previously mentioned of course. Hence, I felt compelled, to join the forum, to post my positive experience - without being initially required (i.e. to begin with) to join, to facilitate the process (e.g. download drivers etc.) actually! To be concise - it's obligatory, otherwise I could not feel truly fulfilled, in an appreciation context....
Matty Midura
Matty Midura Productions © 2001-2007