HD question

edited April 2007 in Hardware
Hello, I have three HD at the moment, two IDE and one Sata. I want to install windows into the sata drive, do i set both of the ide to slave?


  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    The two IDE drives should be set to whatever is appropriate for their positioning on the cable that attaches them to your motherboard. Having a SATA drive in the system does nothing to change that.

    What version of windows are you installing? You will most likely need to have the drivers for your SATA controller during install.
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited April 2007
    I want to install windows into the sata drive, do i set both of the ide to slave?

    No. Simply set your BIOS to boot from SATA, (generally SCSI/SATA) and, like Mason said, you shouldn't have to touch your IDEs. If you already have Windows installed on one of the IDEs, you can also disk-copy over your image to the SATA drive. Preferrably you'll want to use a disk manufacturer's tool like Data Lifeguard for Western Digitals, et al.

    EDIT added: And Mason is right about this as well- be sure you have the SATA/RAID drivers installed first.
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