A couple of new pc questions (concerning ram, operating system)

BubblemanBubbleman A Desert
edited April 2007 in Hardware
Hello im getting a new PC and asking some questions.

1. Will having 4GB of ram instead of 2GB make the computer overheat? or heat up more?

2. How is windows vista? The computer is coming with windows vista, and im so use to windows XP its going to be odd to make a switch.

3. Does a computer overheat if its just running for long periods of time? Or does it have to be pushed to the limit with games like oblivion for it to start heating.


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    1. No, but unless you're using 64bit, which I strongly advise against, 4GB is very pointless.

    2. Windows Vista is a disaster for software and driver support.

    3. No, and if it is overheating, your cooling is not adequate. A computer should be able to run 24/7, at any load, without crashing, provided the PC is operating in a normal room temp.
  • BubblemanBubbleman A Desert
    edited April 2007
    Alright thanks. Guess ill just have to install windows XP onto it at the get go.

    Also.... I see your in a WoW coma ROFL what level and class, number of chars do you have?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    I only play a 70 Gnome Warrior (Cenarion Circle).

    I have a 60 Orc Warlock which I abandoned to play the Warrior in December of '05, and a 40 Draenei Mage on Cenarion Circle which I haven't played since February.
  • BubblemanBubbleman A Desert
    edited April 2007
    Thats cool all I got is my 70 Undead Warrior, played him for 2 years, was Main tank and did almost all of naxxaramas... Main tanked bosses in karazhan up to shade of aran before....

    Well ya gotta quit sometime, so I havent played for a month and after being addicted so long its quite good to quit I gotta tell you :P
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