Follow up help, for my prior post.
I thought that i had my laptop clear, but It clearly isn't. I am up for any help. Randomly I get little virus warnings from AVG, and I heal them all, but its usually the same ones. C/documents/temp internet/jlksdjflksdjfalk.exe and the letters are usually random like that. And when i load an internet explorer, it always gives me a warning from my firewall sunbelt kerio.
Please Download HJTsetup.exe
Save HJTsetup.exe to your desktop.
Double click on the HJTsetup.exe icon on your desktop.
By default it will install to C:\Program Files\Hijack This.
Continue to click Next in the setup dialogue boxes until you get to the Select Addition Tasks dialogue.
Put a check by Create a desktop icon then click Next again.
Continue to follow the rest of the prompts from there.
At the final dialogue box click Finish and it will launch Hijack This.
Click on the Do a system scan and save a log file button. It will scan and then ask you to save the log.
Click Save to save the log file and then the log will open in notepad.
Click on "Edit > Select All" then click on "Edit > Copy" to copy the entire contents of the log.
Come back here to this thread and Paste the log in your next reply.
DO NOT have Hijack This fix anything yet. Most of what it finds will be harmless or even required.