Balloons make me angry...

I'm done with the freekin' balloons already!
I want to tun off all of them. I never want another message in a beige balloon to hail me from my system tray. Ever.
If it's not telling me that my turned-off wireless card cannot find a signal, it's letting me know that my Z: drive (which I specifically set the partition of to be just big enough to hold the archived information that I store there.) is running out of room.
I get each of those two messages (those are the worst, but there is certainly no lack of balloon inanity in other catagories) at least four times a day, and they don't just go away if I ignore them, they sit there, begging attention until I click the 'x' in the corner... and, of course, if I miss and click on the balloon itself, my irritation tripples (at least).
Also, I have never (and this is not hyperbole) seen a balloon that was actually helpful. It's invariably something that I already knew was going on... (Hmmm... my sytem has slowed to complete crawl, my video game has booted me to the desktop, and my HD is spinning like it wants to head-crash. You think I might be running low on Virtual Memory? Thanks little beige balloon, I wouldn't have figured that out without your unfailing advice!)
Is it just me? Am I over-sensitive? Am I some kind of abnormal user?
Is there any way to just turn all the balloons off forever?
I want to tun off all of them. I never want another message in a beige balloon to hail me from my system tray. Ever.
If it's not telling me that my turned-off wireless card cannot find a signal, it's letting me know that my Z: drive (which I specifically set the partition of to be just big enough to hold the archived information that I store there.) is running out of room.
I get each of those two messages (those are the worst, but there is certainly no lack of balloon inanity in other catagories) at least four times a day, and they don't just go away if I ignore them, they sit there, begging attention until I click the 'x' in the corner... and, of course, if I miss and click on the balloon itself, my irritation tripples (at least).
Also, I have never (and this is not hyperbole) seen a balloon that was actually helpful. It's invariably something that I already knew was going on... (Hmmm... my sytem has slowed to complete crawl, my video game has booted me to the desktop, and my HD is spinning like it wants to head-crash. You think I might be running low on Virtual Memory? Thanks little beige balloon, I wouldn't have figured that out without your unfailing advice!)
Is it just me? Am I over-sensitive? Am I some kind of abnormal user?
Is there any way to just turn all the balloons off forever?
I guess I was searching for 'system tray', when I should have been searching for 'notification area'. :P
Thanks Black Hawk!
Now, does anyone know how to get rid of the drop-down menu shortening in Microsoft Office? You know, when items that Microsoft doesn't think you're using disappear from the drop down menu and you have to hover over a down arrow at the bottom of the menu to reveal them?
Those suck.
Open MS Word
Under the File Menu, click Tools, click Customize
In the Customize window, you’ll see 3 Folders
Toolbars, Commands and Options. Click Options
In Options, Uncheck “Show full menus after a short delay”
Uncheck “Menus show recently used commands first”
Close out Customize and You’re done!
Worked like a charm! I never thought to look under "Customize."
Man, it's so refreshing to have the full menus back. It's those little things you have to deal with over and over all day that get really irritating.
Thanks, DogSoldier!
Not on your life
zzzzz. Don't you have balloons to be angry at?
Personally, I like the ribbon. It took a little adapting, but I enjoy using it.