HELP!..problem with sound & audio devices (volume control icon)

aljaare7aljaare7 Palestine
edited April 2007 in Hardware

hi guys

i have discovered that the "volume control icon" in the taskbar is not active !! and it doesn't appear !

i opened "sound and audio devices" in control panel and it says that there is no audio device !! however iam using a Genius speakers and its working and when i play something on realplayer it works but any audio comes from a video at any site or a sound from a program it doesn't work:sad2:

look at the picture, you can notice that there is no icon....


so please help me solving this problem :( iam too sad of this,,


  • JokkeJokke Bergen, Norway Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    Try reinstalling audio drivers.
  • aljaare7aljaare7 Palestine
    edited April 2007
    thanks "jokke" for replying

    but would you please tell me how to reinstall the audio device ?

    however i dont have an audio card separated , it comes with the motherbored like the keybored in.

    iam waiting your reply ;)
  • JokkeJokke Bergen, Norway Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    Not the device, the driver. What computer do you have?
  • aljaare7aljaare7 Palestine
    edited April 2007
    hi jokke

    my computer is not a brand with no name :)

    its just collected parts, and i don't know the brand name of the motherboard so help me find its name, because the audio card is built-in .

    any additional informations iam ready :)

    waiting ya,,
  • adarryladarryl No Man Stands So Tall As When He Stoops To Help a Child. Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    If you go to Device Manager, Sound/Video/Game controllers, look for one that says "integrated audio" or words to that effect. Right click on it and select Properties. Depending on which operating system you are using, you should then see an option to Uninstall Driver. Device Manager may also tell you what your sound make is; if not, programs like Aida and Lavalys Everest Home Edition can help you identify it so you can search for the required driver. However, if you have the motherboard driver CD, you can install sound drivers from it as well. If not, choose one of the others and DO NOT use Windows Update to get a sound driver (they rarely work). GL!
  • aljaare7aljaare7 Palestine
    edited April 2007
    thanks adarry for ur reply

    unfortunately i didn't find "integrated audio" in device manager but i took a screen print of the device manager please check it and tell me the results,,


    Adarry, i have mintioned that i don't know my motherbored name and i don't have a CD for it coz my pc is acually old. IS THERE A WAY TO KNOW ITS NAME ? & FROM WHERE I CAN GET THE AUDIO DRIVER? ofcourse after you tell me how i can reinstall it :)

    hopping u'll reply soon ;)
  • aljaare7aljaare7 Palestine
    edited April 2007

    i finally solved the problem :d

    it was so easy i only go to the control panel then to sounds and audio devices properties and i choosed a same defualt device for all options in "audio,voice&sound tabs" then a applied the changed and the icon appeared and the problem solved :d


    thanx for everyone adarry and jokke for trying to help me and giving me little of ur time ;) i appreciate that .

    bye and thank you
  • JokkeJokke Bergen, Norway Icrontian
    edited April 2007
    Glad you got it solved!
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