FAQ: First-time forum users

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian
edited June 2007 in Community
This is a quick introduction to using a vBulletin forum for those new to forums in general. :) Send a private message to General Keebler if you have any questions or concerns.

How do I get around?
Start on the main forum page. Scroll past the stuff at the top, and you'll see a list of the topic areas (confusingly referred to as "forums" within our overall forum) that you can talk in. Clicking on a forum will show you what topics are being discussed right now. Click one of the topics to read it. Other useful things to know are how to get to your control panel and your private messages.

What is a thread? How do I make one?
It's just a discussion. A thread lists all things people have said about a particular topic in chronological order. To make a new thread, you need to be viewing a particular forum (topic area). Click the "New Thread" button near the top left corner.

What is a post?
A post is a single messge by a member. You can add a post to a thread by using the box at the end of each page in the thread.

Where should I post?
If you're not sure about our topic areas (forums), try reading the description under each one. If you need help with spyware or a virus, use the Spyware & Virus Removal area. If you're still not sure, just post it in General Hardware and a moderator will move it for you if necessary. Please don't abuse the Emergency Help area - it's only for non-booting PCs and severe data loss.

What is a private message?

A private message is just like an e-mail - it's only between you and the people you send it to. It's generally considered impolite to contact members directly with technical questions. Please do that in a new thread. :)

We welcome all new members to post in The Icrontic Pub (our off-topic chatting area) to say hello and get acquainted with the community. :) We'd also love to have you on the Folding@Home Team if you're so-inclined. Feel free to post in this thread if you have questions or comments.

Welcome to Icrontic! :cheers2:


  • edited June 2007
    I must thank you very much Keebler.I was out all day yesterday and just came on line now and it was great to see your help and I have printed it so I can study it.Cheers Joanne
  • edited June 2007
    Woops I don't know if this is in order but here goes. Joanne
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