game.dat error Battle for middle earth 2

edited May 2007 in Gaming
I am trying to get Lord of the Rings, The Battle For Middle Earth 2 going on my comp. I am getting the game.dat error.

I have a geforce 4 mx 440 card (64mb) and I downloaded the newest directx like 30 minutes ago (just reformatted my comp this morning). I noticed it says it requires pixel shaders 1.1 when i ran the system compatibility test on nzone for the game. It said mine is 0.0 and does not meet the requirments, it also said i have 1.2ghz processor and the min requirement is 1.6. will this completely kill my chances at getting it running? i would think it should run and just run sucky.

I have ran other games that seam much more visually intensive like Everquest (1), where i am raiding with 70+ people on the screen at once (each of which is far more detailed than the models in lotrbfme2.

Thanks in advance!!! I really would like to get this going!!


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2007
    You need a better video card. This game will not run on your card.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited May 2007
    You card is clearly stated on the box as not being a supported card for the game.

    You can run other games Like EQ as they don't utilize the newest technology in graphics. BFME2 is pretty hardware intensive, as is CnC3
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