SmitFraud is evil and I am infected...

Oookay. Usually I am fine fixing these little nasties by myself, but oh no, not this time. I've followed all instructions I could find on the net, and lo and behold, it's still here, downloading 101 other spywares at full on LAN speed. The creators of this scourge ought to be tired to posts and covered with honey and ants... Cruel and unusual punishment, maybe, but I bet they'd sell tickets. Anyway, I have Pc-Cillin, Ad-Aware, Spybot and HijackThis (which I am new to, so desperately need you guy's help!). I really am at my wit's end. Until earlier, I was getting pop-ups on Internet Explorer at the rate of 3 a minute- and when I tried to close them, they'd pop up again shortly. I am getting a message "Windows has prevented some programs from starting up" every now and again (say four times an hour) referring I presume to the start list when I boot-up. I am getting PC-Cillin pop ups about once an hour saying it has ignored Freeloader_Smitfraud (I asked it to delete...). This is very inconvenient as I've already spent a day scrutinizing my registry and I actually have a psychology paper due soon - and need to access my materials online, plus my bank account. I'd rather not do this with some malicious program collecting my keystrokes and passwords... Any help from you fine people would be so appreciated! Thank you ever so much in advance. Here are my system stats: Running: Windows Vista 512 RAM (need to update that...) 80 gig hard drive (need to update that too...)


  • Rahina-RescueRahina-Rescue Finland
    edited May 2007
    Hello JayJay, welcome to the forums!

    Please download Deckard's System Scanner (DSS) and save it to your Desktop.
    • Close all other windows before proceeding.
    • Double-click on dss.exe and follow the prompts.
    • When it has finished, DSS will open two Notepads: main.txt and extra.txt
    • Use Save As to save both Notepad files to your Desktop and post them in your next reply.
  • edited May 2007
    Hello Rahina!

    Thank you for your quick reply - I have however managed to ahem..."fix" the problem already - actually, the incidences of spyware being downloaded/nasty changes being made to my files and programs found by SpyBot increased from just a few to approximately 600 new ones every half an hour... That got to be a little too crazy for me, so I backed up whatever I hadn't backed up, got the heck out of there and reformatted my hard drive, then re-installed windows afresh.

    In my situation (and considering that in the end, it took over and completely destroyed yahoo messenger as well - probably a completely different "nasty" where that is concerned) the whole system was terribly sick, crashing, going black -oooooh it was bad - and in such a short time, too! Ironically, this has been my first spyware/malware/nasty worm infection in over five years - I'm usually so careful! Having said that, perhaps I was due for a total bombardment...

    Thank you again - I think I'll continue to hang around here - it seems like a friendly place!

  • Rahina-RescueRahina-Rescue Finland
    edited May 2007
    Alright, I'm Glad í could help :)
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