Vista/Windows defender blocks start up programs

I Googled this, but have had to Google Vista stuff way too much. Anyone know how I can set Windows Defender to allow a start up program Defender doesn't know about? In particular, RivaTuner. Everytime I reboot I have to tell Vista it's OK. I don't see how I make a permanent change.
Vista is driving this computer, I'm not.
Vista is driving this computer, I'm not.
Why does Microsoft block programs and not give me the options to unblock them?
'no idea.
Depends on which way you want to go.
Also if you join Spynet and change settings to advanced it will ask you about allow or block with a tray icon instead of auto choosing.
I pull up Software Explorer and RivaTuner is "unclassified". The Remove, Disable and Enable buttons to the right are all grayed out.
But.....Windows is defended.
I haven't had any real issues with Defender except with running the Intel Control Center. Everytime I start it to make a clock change it makes me approve 2 items. For the 200th time. And they don't show up under the allowed either come to think of it.