The curse of being me... and dealing with tech-tarditis.

sonicpandasonicpanda SF bay area, California
edited June 2007 in Science & Tech
Allow me to quickly set the stage.... My bud Steve has a computer. It does magically things with pretty lights and colors. And a few days ago, his computer fell down and go boom. LOL

Now when something goes wrong with my computer, I'm the kind of guy who will stare at the screen and intently reviewing every lil' thing i can in regards to how it may lead me to the goal of a fixed computer. In other words, I don't know everything about computers but, I definitely know more than Steve. I take the strategy method of remaining calm, exude patience, and consider solutions. Steve is one of "those people." You know the type....
" *click**click**click**click**click**click**click* ...brief 2 second rest...*click**click**click**click**click**click**click* " In other words, he makes hasty decisions impulsively and no forethought. And he has me over his shoulder trying to help and ... well it just wasn't very productive. lol

Below is a copy of the "journal" i kept of all events that happened when I finally got the opportunity to work on the problem.... that of course being when steve fell asleep.

By the way, the tech issue is not 100% repaired so I hope y'all hop on board and ride this repair all the way to the end with me.

Commentary is welcome from the community. Enjoy!!!

Yes.... none of the following was added or edited from the original file (...except for the parts where i **** any profanity. but thats the only thing i may do)
... and yes, that is how i type my blogs and yes, i know i sound like i think i am talking directly to an audience.... i know this. LOL


this is where i will keep track of my progress to repair stephen's computer. since he is asleep at the moment, i dont want him to wake up and then instantly panic about the computer... or rather not being able to know what I may or may not have done in my attempts of repair his computer.

***NOTE: (
begin/end cmd quote
) I decided to copy from command prompt anything I type in, all msgs from the computer, and all results of anything i do. a dashed line with either "begin quote" or "end quote" indicates a quotation. For each "begin" there is an "end". (yeah yeah yeah....)

5/26/07 - 3:00 am

computer had restarted just as i had finally opened up computer management. i was pissed. then a blue screen was displayed.(a prompt for a program.... NOT blue screen of doom[death]) I think it said windows ...something something... disc...? i cant remember actually. what i do know is that i found myself facing a screen that had the b/w cmd screen in my face. ... Sweet!

begin cmd quote
D:\WINDOWS> help chkdsk
Checks a disk and displays a status report.

CHKDSK [drive:] [/P] [/R]

/P Check even if the drive is not flagged dirty
on the disk.
On NTFS: Displays cleanup messages if any.
/R Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information
(implies /P).

CHKDSK maybe ised without any parameters, in which case the current drive is chercked with no switches. You can specify the listed switches.

CHKDSK requires the AUTOCHK.EXE file. CHKDSK automatically locates AUTOCHK.exe in the startup (boot) directory. If it cannot be found in the startup directory, CHKDSK will attempt to locate the Windows installation CD. If the installation CD cannot be found, CHKDSK prompts for the location of AUTOCHK.EXE
end cmd quote

I then entered the following...

begin cmd quote
D:\WINDOWS>chkdsk d: /p /r here is what i see so far
volume created 04/24/07 04:26p
The volume Serial Number is 3c5a-715a
CHKDSK is checking the volume...
CHKDSK is perform additional checking or recovery...
CHKDSK is perform additional checking or recovery...
CHKDSK is perform additional checking or recovery...
## % completed.
end cmd quote

And now... we wait. (Stephen while snoring and I by being awake.... occasionally recording his "sleep talk") :nudge:

Percents @ Time (of when i loooked)
60% @~3:07am
62% @ 3:14am
63% @ 3:24am
69% @ 3:28am
51% @ 3:38am ...????* see * below P@T table.
54% @ 3:46am

I think that once CHKDSK reaches 100% for any given "additional check" it may be performing... it'll just start back at 0 again for the next "additional check" runs and it probably does that with leaving some indication of that on the screen (i.e. - Maybe displaying a new "CHKDSK is perform additional checking or recovery..." when the next procedure begins.

4:18 am

CHKDSK finishes.... the only thing it tells me is the allocation units on the disk.... basically HD space available. :banghead: WASTE OF TIME!!!

5:19 am

.... all i can say is Stephen better be damn happy if my current plan works exactly as it should. As a safety net to at least preserve Stephen's documents, I deleted enough files from my external harddrive to allow for me to save a copy of steve's stuff on my externalHD. (yes... I had to delete a few full length porns to make the space.)

6:08 am

I seem to have repaired the computer. F***... I wish I hadn't deleted my porn..... 3 hours is how long i worked on this dilemma... while stephen slept. :wtf:



  • AuthorityActionAuthorityAction Missouri Member
    edited May 2007
    Do what now? :confused:
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited May 2007
    Welcome to Short-Media (soon to be Icrontic). Are you asking for help with something?
  • sonicpandasonicpanda SF bay area, California
    edited May 2007
    My apoligies everyone! After saying i was going to take a rest break, I was going to ask for HELP with this situation because.... IT CAME BACK.
  • sonicpandasonicpanda SF bay area, California
    edited June 2007
    Well... stick a fork in this thread and call it done.

    I left Steve alone at his apartment for about 4 hours ... alone ... just him and his computer ...

    When I returned.... he had somehow managed to mess with the computer to the point at which his D:\ drive (the drive we wanted to save) had a "mental breakdown" and all his data vanished from the drive.... never to be seen from again. .... so technically he did manage to make the first issue i had mentioned at the start of this thread -- vanish too.
  • sonicpandasonicpanda SF bay area, California
    edited June 2007
    thread closed
This discussion has been closed.