MATLAB: Image transformations -- converting points in one image to another
I am programming in MATLAB and have a question concerning image transformations. I have two images that are of the same thing -- just at different angles. One is a top-down view of an area -- not very detailed and the other is a picture (bird's eye view) -- quite detailed -- of the area. I need to be able to take a point on the bird's eye view image and determine the precise location of that same point on the top down image. For example, if I saw a dog in the picture image, I would need to plot where it is precisely on the top down view -- which , obviously, would not include the dog in the first place. I am familiar with image registration and the functions cp2tform, imtransform, cpselect, etc. I am sure there is some matrix one can derive in some way that will allow one to convert points between these two images, I just do not know how to do that right now. Your input would be greatly appreciated.