Dancer89 Wins $2 Million for Charity
Ancient GuruChicago Area - USA Icrontian
Dancer89... You've been folding for as long as I can remember. You've folded yourself into the top 10 and ranked 358th in the entire Folding Project!!! That in of itself is outstanding but you have given the project 2,000,000 points. That's SIX ZEROS....
Dancer89... thank you so much for being a great Work Unit Crushing Fiend.
Dancer89... thank you so much for being a great Work Unit Crushing Fiend.
:headbange:csimon:!!!~Dancer89 Rules~!!!:headbange:csimon:
It's time to build some more PCs. (and you're gonna have to tell me the secret!)
Thank you for a stunning effort ... and the true value may be worth way more to someone someday! Congrats!
Hey points and dollar both bring smiles, don't they? :bigggrin:
2,:fold,:fold points !!!
One could argue that 2 million folding points for medical research is worth more than $2 million