MySQL Table Selecting

Been trying for ages but cant get it to work. How do you select multiple tables in MySQL using PHP, my code is as follows -
[PHP]if ($_REQUEST == "all") {$Letter = '123, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, I, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z' ;}else{$Letter = $_REQUEST;};
if( !isset($_GET)) {
$SQL="SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `$Letter`";
$SQL_Result=mysql_db_query($DB_Name, $SQL);
$SQL_Result_Array=mysql_fetch_array($SQL_Result) || die(mysql_error());
// Create a new SELECT Query with the ORDER BY clause and without the COUNT(*)
$SQL="SELECT * FROM `$Letter` ORDER BY Name";
$k = $_REQUEST;
// Run The Query Without a Limit to get Total result
$SQL="SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `$Letter` WHERE Name LIKE $k";
$SQL_Result=mysql_db_query($DB_Name, $SQL);
$SQL_Result_Array=mysql_fetch_array($SQL_Result) || die(mysql_error());
// Create a new SELECT Query with the ORDER BY clause and without the COUNT(*)
$SQL="SELECT * FROM `$Letter` WHERE Name LIKE $k ORDER BY Name";
Its just the "{$Letter =" bit I need to find out, i.e. is there a "select all tables" command, or if not, how do I need to format the table syntax?
Cheers, off to bed now :o gnight,
[PHP]if ($_REQUEST == "all") {$Letter = '123, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, I, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z' ;}else{$Letter = $_REQUEST;};
if( !isset($_GET)) {
$SQL="SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `$Letter`";
$SQL_Result=mysql_db_query($DB_Name, $SQL);
$SQL_Result_Array=mysql_fetch_array($SQL_Result) || die(mysql_error());
// Create a new SELECT Query with the ORDER BY clause and without the COUNT(*)
$SQL="SELECT * FROM `$Letter` ORDER BY Name";
$k = $_REQUEST;
// Run The Query Without a Limit to get Total result
$SQL="SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `$Letter` WHERE Name LIKE $k";
$SQL_Result=mysql_db_query($DB_Name, $SQL);
$SQL_Result_Array=mysql_fetch_array($SQL_Result) || die(mysql_error());
// Create a new SELECT Query with the ORDER BY clause and without the COUNT(*)
$SQL="SELECT * FROM `$Letter` WHERE Name LIKE $k ORDER BY Name";
Its just the "{$Letter =" bit I need to find out, i.e. is there a "select all tables" command, or if not, how do I need to format the table syntax?
Cheers, off to bed now :o gnight,
I knew that.
BTW, this forum needs smileys on the left of the post reply box dialoge
But thats me.
I'll add your suggestion, thanks Dan
MySQL n00b
I still cant figure this out, so i'll give you a bit more info, see if you can give me more of a push in the right direction.
The tables are: `123` and the Letters from A to Z, and the field it needs to be searching is called 'Name' which is all in the database named 'amigagames'.
Any ideas?