Halo 2?

ChilakChilak Over there ->
edited June 2003 in Gaming
Is it going to be everything everyone is hoping it will be?

I have been seeing alot of proof lately that the Halo successor isnt going to be everything that it has been made out to be. Wouldnt that be a bitch? But has anyone else got anything on this subject?


  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    I personally didnt like Halo one, more of a realism person myself, Flashpoint etc.

  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited June 2003
    well, i have to disagree with both of you guys, i loved the first one, the the E3 video of halo 2 was very impressive. just my personal opinion . . .
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    I agree with drowd. The addition of more vehicles is going to be cool. There's juat so much that is going to be added that will make it that much more enjoyable.
  • xDeluxexxDeluxex DeLuxembourg
    edited June 2003
    Halo one's weak point was that you needed at least 3 other player to have a some what ok multiplayer game, and at first there were rumors that Halo 2 would have bots and this would have been a great bonus but recently official reports have said there wont be any because they want to encourage people to play on xbox live rather than offline... :(
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited June 2003
    yeah, i remember when that rumor about the bots was goin around. So far everything I have seen indicates that Halo 2 is gonna be one kick-ass game . . .
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Personally, I never really liked bots. I mean, they were cool to have sometimes if you just wanted to completely annhilate something a few hundred times, but they're not something that excited me too much. LIVE play is going to be sweet, IMO.
  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    Bots in the sense of entertainment, would only be exactly that (entertaining) if they were introduced in some sort of army. Where you had to defend a base against a covonant army of about 400. That would add some intrest level into the area of bots I think.
  • xDeluxexxDeluxex DeLuxembourg
    edited June 2003
    in Halo 1 there was a lack of group warfare, you barely got to fight in a group against the enemy. the soldiers that did help you they barely survived a battle and there was usually a maximum of 10 of them. it would be really nice to have as you said hundreds of soldiers and there should be more vehicles being used to fight a large scale war
  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    I agree, a massive battle over a massive plain would be incredibly inticing.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited June 2003
    that would be very cool. the battle possibilities would be endless. you could recreate great famous battles ie. alamo, iwo jima, etc . . .
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Doubt they will use that style though, They will probably just use the same current style, but with a few more people and slightly more open landscapes, like most games like this do when they hit the next version.

  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    You never know, Bungie has yet to do something other than set new standards and styles for games.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited June 2003
    if you folks havent yet seen the halo 2 video at E3, i highly suggest it. It will affirm the fan and convert the heathens. j/k, but seriously, look on your favorite file sharing program. actually i think shacknews or homelanfed is hosting it. its about 115 megs and it will knock your socks off . . .
  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    Seen it. I am considering Cryo until it is released. The only thing stopping me is im afraid that the person that is supposed to take me out will get sidetracked and forget about me.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    I would still have prefered the option of Bots, what if I dont want to play online, I hate that forceful attitude, it just furthers them more into being able to charge for an online service and no alternative.

  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    Thats what we are saying. If they introduce a large army of bots to fight against in a completely new mod, it would add a somewhat intresting level of play to the game.
    edited June 2003
    Originally posted by NightShade737
    I would still have prefered the option of Bots, what if I dont want to play online, I hate that forceful attitude, it just furthers them more into being able to charge for an online service and no alternative.

    Thats what the single player game is for ;)

    Halo 2 is going to be great, i for one can't wait. But as far as the demo goes, it's looking good so far, but the environment in the demo looks bland and untextured. The buildings all looked the same and everything was the same colour. Lets hope its looking a bit better by the time it comes out.
  • ChilakChilak Over there ->
    edited June 2003
    Im not even going to dignify that with a worth while response.
    edited June 2003
    Originally posted by Chilak
    Im not even going to dignify that with a worth while response.
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