General Benchmark Discussion...

danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
edited June 2003 in Hardware
I'm not really into benchmarking anymore as much as I used to be.


  • edited June 2003
    sisoft sandra cpu test i get like 9000 and 3600 on my AMD 2100+.
    3Dmark2001se i get around 16,000
  • edited June 2003
    I ran 3dmark2003 but I only got like 4550.
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    I only got a benchmark of 885 on 3DMark2003...
    That's why I don't find benchmarks useful anymore
  • edited June 2003
    Originally posted by danball1976
    I only got a benchmark of 885 on 3DMark2003
    Do you have the directx9 installed that score seems a little low.
    is this with the geforce4 ti4200?
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    It was run with Dx9a
  • edited June 2003
    was this benchmark run with you geforce4 Ti4200?
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    Yes it was
  • edited June 2003
    hm what are your speed's?
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    My speeds on what?
  • edited June 2003
    your video card like 300core/600mem
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    I don't know what it is. I don't mess with overclocking my video card. Does it have something to do with the fact that I can't get the video card to run in AGP mode and play games and the like.

    TO be specific, it used to run in AGP mode and installed as a AGP card in Windows on my KX7-333R, but won't on my KD7-RAID
  • edited June 2003
    so you video card's speed is 250/500.
    but it dosnt work in agp mode? I had a problem like that when my 9500pro was in my Epox mother board I could get in to window but I couldnt play and 3D game's. But then epox in there lattest drive's fixed that problem.
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    I don't know, no driver fixes it, both nVidia's and VIA's AGP BUS drivers
  • edited June 2003
    dose it do this with any other video card?
    i looked around for some ti4200 bench marks and you should be getting aroud 1300 on 3dmark2003.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Bah, I always have too much stuff running to bench, and eMule is one of them, so I dont want to close it or ill lose my queue positions :(
    Plus my aging GF3 isnt worth it anyway.

  • edited June 2003
    what type of geforce3 do you have
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Standard - Asus v8200 Deluxe
    Clocked at 220/560mhz

  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    Oh, I had zonealarm, and a couple of other programs running at the time
  • trippintrippin Chatt, TN
    edited June 2003
    I get about 15k on sandra cpu bench.

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