Not to beat it to death, but how'd the hack happen?
Could we get some specifics about the hack itself? I realize the real problem was bad backups, but I'm curious as to how the server was broken in the first place. And before kanezfan points teh finger, no I'm not gonna hax0r icrontic
The I.P. address has been taking and the authorites are taking up the case but wether they get caught i dunno (hope they do)
But apparently the site got hacked a little while before that and it was thought not to be a serious attack, but then they found out that the server was being used as a platfrom to attack other servers and their hosting pulled the plug on them.
I might try and find the link later but i remember it being on the main page when the sale was up.
Even durring the eBay auction I believ you could telnet to and get to a login to the Linux server. I understand there were ports that should be blocked that were not or something
Well, that's great to know... guess you can destroy all you want, so long as the company hosting the website didn't contribute to the presidential campaign.
Isn't that something? A forum server that gets hack isn't a "big thing" to the proper authorities because it isn't a large business so to say, but they're ready to drop the hammer on peer2peer file sharing? I think that's rediculous
You can hack any server you want and you can get away with it, yet you share a mp3 file with several ppl and they wanna condemn you to the gallows. What a crock.
lmao, i just saw this thread, that's great! I place the blame on you electus!!!!! only you could have been the h4x0r!!