Well if you visited the old Icrontic video forums before they got hacked you prolly know that I have had problems running 3D games. I've tried Battlefield 1942, GTA3, and Neverwinter Nights. I have an ATI Saphire Radeon 9500 Atlantis 128 MB and the games I try either crash to desktop, restart the computer, or freeze the computer completely. I've tried so many combinations of drivers it isn't funny and nothing works. I even tried my friends Radeon 9500 and the problems were still there. The only thing I can think of to do is try another type of video card. I had an ATI card in my old computer but it didn't work right so I had to take it back for a NVIDIA GeForce. The NVIDIA card worked fine and I've never had a problem with it. In a little bit I am going to test it in this computer. Anyhoo I am thinking about selling my Radeon 9500 on Ebay (nothing wrong with it aside from the fact it doesn't work on my system) and buying a NVIDIA. I guess my question is about NVIDIA cards. What is a good card to go with from NVIDIA. I don't keep track of them as much as I do ATI so I thought I'd ask around first. I'd like to keep the new card within the price range of $150-250. I have an AGP 8x port so I'd like to go with that and I'd prefer a semi quiet one. I've heard that some of the GeForce FX cards are kinda loud. Anyhoo if anyone could give me some suggestions that'd be great.
Oh yeah and what is memtest?
i think its only the 5800 that has the dustbuster on it
You can find the program here.
If you do decide to buy a new card, go for the 9700 pro, or the 9800 pro. I have the 9800 pro, and I love it.
I use to be a nvidia person but I saw the light and changed.
iv HAD
every geforce mx
geforce4 ti4200
geforce4 ti4400 i killed my 4400 doing a vmod (i didnt RMA it)
Norge - Gainward is a card manufacturer and they produce cards based on the nvidia chips. I can say that Gain is pretty the best one that produces the nvidia based cards. They, not like the other companies, produce there own coolins solutions. So, if you wanna a nvidia card go for Gainward because they have the /best/quiet cooling, they can be o/ced highly and it's my favorite in nvidia.
Why can't these two top video card companies get their letter casings right?? Were there problems with the Shift key when they submitted their names for public trading??
That's the only thinh that I hate with them. I don't know what's the big deal with these names. ati, Ati, ATi... same thing, if they called anyhow it would upgrade their card anyway.
Means you've already been their fanboy during their shitty OEM supplier days?