me and my dad. I am the one with scragly hair and a gotee my dad is the one with the pepper hair and beard in the front. THis pic was during hte aftermath of the hurricane it was still windy nad had already lost power for 3 days. I look like shit but hey no power or water and shit for 3 days
i will take another pic when i my go-tee grows back.. i had to cut it off for marching band, and will have to keep it off until some time in december..
btw, i just got home from a marching compition, my band got a clean sweap
best marching, best general effect, best music, and 1st place.. go us!
oh comeon LIN ive seen you before its been ages since that pic was taken ( okok ages in terms of your so young ) If u dont want to PM me! Its for my picture book!
yep, school. They kinda suck, though. i look chunky. Normally, I wouldn't care, but I lost a LOT of weight and I am proud of it, so naturally I would like to see it, but ah well.
no portable media?
hardware all intact?
Lol, i was making a reference to a, ummm, different thread.
dang good pic, Gnome. - go, Yankees!
btw, i just got home from a marching compition, my band got a clean sweap
best marching, best general effect, best music, and 1st place.. go us!
Oops wrong thread!
/me smacks forhead ( damn forgot teh rules! )
/me smacks forhead ( damn forgot teh rules! )
Damn Gnome, nice.
School pics should be coming in soon. Who wants to see my UBER SEXY SELF?
are they the school pics?
Lol at dog reference
meh, the gun was the focus but it got me in there