Let's see some benchmarks guys. I know there are some "newer" processors and vid cards out there that you guys are running. Show us what ya got!
//edit: Due to the original "Post Your Benchmarks" thread degradating into general discussion, I have split the two threads apart.
//edit: Due to the original "Post Your Benchmarks" thread degradating into general discussion, I have split the two threads apart.
Sandra benches
Why does a AMD Athlon XP2600 2.08@2.25GHz get better arithmetic scores than a Barton at 2.2GHz?
You are the only person I know with higher raw sandra arith scores than I.
the temps i was getting with stock heatsinks were 60c (not Oced@1.6v)
ive been folding, Max temp is 55c (overclocked)
Done at default settings and 3.432Ghz (264x13[1057FSB]) + 510/975 Core/Mem on my flashed 5900NU (MSI 5950U bios used)
compare url: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?pcm04=248448
(It's basically the same setup, but with a AMD64 3200+, eVGA 5700 Ultra DDR-II on XP 32 Bit .. other than that, both systems are identical). I have a 3rd computer too with a AMD XP 2500+, GeforceFX 5600 256mb, 1 Sata WD Raptor 10K 74g, Asus A7N8X mobo .. it's not online tho and I have'nt ever run PCMark04 on it .. I'll hook it up online later and test it tho.
I can't post the scores from XP 64 Bit .. because I can't install Windows Media Encoder 9 on XP 64 Bit .. which inturn omit's one test, which inturn makes ORB say I can't post the score .. (BOOO!)
But running 9 outta 10 tests w/ PCMark04 on XP 64 Bit I scored - 4798
3DMark03 scores with eVGA GeforceFX 5700 Ultra on XP 32 Bit - 4334
compare url: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2190056
3DMark03 scores with Gainward GeforceFX 5700 Ultra GDDR3 on XP 64 Bit - 4711
could'nt post these either.. for one, the build of 3DMark03 was'nt the latest released (it won't install for some reason), and the drivers were'nt recognized? wtf?
I also ran some ATTO DiskBench v2.10 scores on my WD Raptors running RAID0.
here's a few of the scores @ default settings except for total lenght @ 32mb
0.5k = write @ 6724 / read @ 19441
2.0k = write @ 22209 / read @ 41234
16.0k = write @ 83107 / read @ 87762
32.0k = write @ 98255 / read @ 101053
512.0k = write @ 118396 / read @ 137110
1024.0k = write @ 112208 / read @ 138412
(done with onboard VIA VT8237 on XP 64 Bit .. scores simular on XP 32 Bit)
Best tests for my System so far tho is.. running FarCry with the graphic settings @ "very high" .. that game is awsome in graphics!!! I can't run FarCry on my AMD XP 2500+ Barton with the GeforceFX 5600 @ "very high" settings .. it lag's like crazy, runs decent on "medium" settings .. but on my AMD64 systems it runs great on both XP 32 and XP 64 .. especially on XP 64 with my Gainward 5700 Ultra with GDDR3 .. FarCry is the only game the runs alot better on XP 64 tho .. all my other games like Counter-Strike 1.6, Call Of Duty, UT2004 & 2003, Raven Shield, etc.. all pretty much run about the same.. but XP 64 Bit is still in "beta" stages, and FarCry is 64 Bit enhanced .. hence the reason FarCry runs better on XP 64 for me. The "demo" of FarCry isn't a good comparison either.. because you can't take advantage of all the graphic settings in the "demo" .. the settings in the demo does'nt have "Ultra High" for the "water", or "very high" for most the other settings like "texture" / "particle count" / "lighting quality" / "enviroment" / "model texture" .. etc... you can only get those in the "full game".
5900U@ 500/900
A little late, but sssWwEEEEt!......some day.....
*Zuntar ponders the day he will be able to complete "the Master"*
no tweaks yet, and no videocard OC
can u post a cPU-Z of ur MEM timing paaaleezzzzzz
Another 2k is under that hood though.
just tweak your system and compare your original score to your tweaked one. what hardware you running?
at 3.2-3.3v
Nuf said!