Custom Bios Mods by Tmod our newset moderator

TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
edited June 2003 in Hardware
Did you guys know we now have a super cool new moderator here for the bios and MB sections that can mod for you or help you learn how to mod your bios's?

He has custom EPA's with the new Icrontic banner to replace whatever pic your MB now has when it boots.

We have guides on how to use modbin to alter the available options in your bios. Using these tools you can do things like bring hidden options for enabling apic onto your bios menus. Change default values etc..

He has guides for cbrom which lets you replace the Raid Bios version embeded in your MB also.

But he has a special tool he wrote that does something I have not seen elsewhere. I used to use a tool called wpcrset and wpcredit to set bits in my bios to enable software cooling on my kt7a. Many people have used wpcrset toi make other mods to registers to increase performance etc... But it had to boot into windows and then set the bits and stuff. His tool generates a file thats actually included into the bios when you flash. So its no muss and no fuss after your flashed.

If you guys have not stopped in the bios section you really should. Tmod is a super guy and a guru at this stuff and he loves to help folks. He can help you learn to do your own or if you ask really really nice he might make you up a custom bios if he has time.

He also has a eprom burner and can help ya escape from a bad flash by fixing your chip or sending you a new one flashed with your bios.

Stop in and say hello to Tmod.



  • SpYSpY
    edited June 2003
    wow, very nice addition to the icrontic lineup. welcome tmod. i might like to pick your brain someday, takes some kohones to be a bios guy if u ask me.
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