CD-ROM is being moody...

ktulu_tcoktulu_tco Akita, Japan
edited June 2003 in Hardware
Ok, so if I am copying a CD to my Hard drive (image or independent files), the drive occasionally just slows to a crawl. And it takes forever to copy stuff. Sometimes, I can stop the copy, and restart at the last file, and everything is ok... but when doing images, and the program doesn't support resuming... it can get very irritating. I did this before my last fresh install as well... so maybe there is a HW problem (each CD-ROM is master w/out slave)


  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Could just be full of crap. Take the drive out, dismantle it and give it a good clean and hoover. My Yamaha CD-RW was doing the same then it just couldnt recognise any discs at all, took it apart, cleaned it and its as good as new.

  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited June 2003
    TRy cleaning it out, you will be amazed at how much dust can get into those little cracks. Also might want to try a different ide cable.
  • ktulu_tcoktulu_tco Akita, Japan
    edited June 2003
    Cool, thanks for the recommendations, I will clean it out, after I get home, and my computer arrives (1 week). I doubt it is the cable, it did it with different cables in different positions. Hope this works :) Thanks
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