Looking for Atto scores for Raptors

insaneinsane A Hole Somewhere In North America
edited July 2003 in Hardware
Well I just did some rearranging then saw that thread about hitting 220,00 with atto :\

I just bought 2 raptors and wanted to basically find out if buying a 3rd or 4th would be worth it when comparing the added performance to the price of 2 more HDs. I am guessing that going from 2 to 3 or even 4 HDs wont make much of a difference because of the 32bit situation of my motherboard?

I used to run 4 cheetah 15K scsi's on an Adaptec 29160 at raid-0 but the numbers were so close from 2 to 3 to 4 it just wasnt worth it to have them all so I sold everything (sniff sniff). I dont have a dual motherboard and prolly wont be getting one so I now have a promise sATA controller card on the way and my 2 raptors but wanted to see if anyone had some Atto scores for 2 drives or 3 drives or even 4 drives :) Just want to know what I should expect. I am although going to go from winxp to win2k3 server and just basically convert it over to a workstation OS and have that added stability, security and alittle extra speed over winxp.

Thanks for reading this mess.


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited June 2003
    With 4 HDs on a 4 channel controller not a 2 channel.... the best you can hope for is kissing close to 140,000 basicallly.

    Two Raptors setup and tweaked right should be touching 100,000 idealy. So you figure out if two more for a 40 percent gain is worth it.

    I have seen a lot of 4 drive raid-0's not get much above 100,000 but this is the highest real atto I have ever seen for a 32bit bus.

    This is 4 IBM drives on a 4 channel hpt on a nforce MB.

  • insaneinsane A Hole Somewhere In North America
    edited June 2003
    Im using 2 Raptors and able to hit 110w/120r without any tweaking as far as I know.

    Maybe 1 more might be worth it but for the 20K Im not sure just how much :)
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited June 2003
    Post the 120,000 atto ! I'll add it to my collection.

  • edited July 2003
    Here´s a non-tweaked Raid 0 on the Silicon chip:
  • EnisadaEnisada Edmonton Member
    edited July 2003
    I only get 98MB/sec on my Silicon chip w/ 2 SATA Raptors on a Nforce 2 mobo that is with tweaking. What mobo is that on. I want better perfromance...
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited July 2003
    I know sandra isnt as good as a measurement tool but i've read of ranges of 65K. Anyone have any benches on sandra?
  • edited July 2003
    Here´s the sandra from it. It´s on NF7-S 2.0

    It´s not on my board, btw, it´s on Lasses.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited July 2003
    Nice score! In day to day use do you feel like the Raptors have made a big boost in speed over regular 7200rpm drives in raid0?
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