Need help with installing Linux on my computer..

edited June 2003 in Science & Tech
Currently i'm running win xp on my main HD , and a 2nd for files.... I'd like to get a 3rd HD and install linux.. theres a few Q's ive got:

1) which linux is the best?

2) what would I have to do to be abel to choose which OS i want when I turn my computer on

3) What (if anything) else would I need to know when installing it?

ty for the help, hope to get some feed back :)


  • edited June 2003
    it's been awhile since i've played with linux...but i believe that if you install it on your first partition, you can use LILO at boot to select which OS to boot into. otherwise, you can buy 3rd party software such as PQ bootmagic (which comes wiht partitionmagic) or Syscommander or something of that sort. all the linux distros are pretty much similar, you should figure out what desktop you like better (KDE or gnome). red hat distros are probably the most userfriendly and easy to install, you can download the cd image from their ftp site for free but lose benefit of any documentation/tech support.
    wadya wanna use linux for anyhow?
  • edited June 2003
    Many new comers find Mandrake or RedHat easier to install and use, as they use a system call RPM to install stuff. While this seems easier at first, it becomes a real PITA later as you try tweek and upgrade things. You will run into "Dependency Errors" and end up trying to rebuild the whole thing from scratch. RedHat also broken many things like mp3 players and such cause they are worried about liabilities.

    People with far more knowledge than I, talked me into SlackWare after a poor experience with RH. Installs fairly easy and contains all the source code. There are others such as Debian, but I have not used it.

    You can setup Dual Boot with either LILO or Grub. You will have one of these boot managers with Linux. It can be done with XP's boot loader, but that is a real PITA. The secret is to install Linux after XP is installed. You could also just select which drive you want to boot from in the BIOS which is what I'm doing right now cause of my wiered setup.

    You need to know exactly what every piece of hardware you have on your computer. You need to know your email SMPT and POP accounts. During the install, you will get the opportunity to select several options. After the install you will need some knowlege to change them.

    Putting Linux on it's own drive affords you the option of playing with it, reinstalling it or trying other Distros without buggering up Windows.

    Linux is not Windows so there is a steep learning curve. Stick with it and you will be all the better for it.
  • edited June 2003
    I wanted to put linux on my comp because........ because(?)! I dunno, I dont like windows, it crashes lots :/ I heard linux is a lot more stable.. and i just have a lota free time on my hands ^ ^

    With LILO / Grub, do I install it to my HD with win xp, if so before or after installing linux, or the HD with linux on it? I'm not fermiliar with the program, if you have a website?.. also, where could i get SlackWare Linux?

    ty for the help so far :)
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Lilo will be part of the OS's installation, its not a seperate program (well it is, but it is always included in the Linux distro install).

    All Linux ISO's here...

  • edited June 2003
    Reread my post about installing Linux. :)
    Best to install on a seperate HD if you have one.

    This is a great site for basic help once you get it installed.

    You really need to get a handle on directory structures. If you've used DOS, Linux is similar. If you grew up with Windows, you are going to have a tougher time of it. It does not help that different distro's use them differently.

    good luck.
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited June 2003
    1) which linux is the best?

    Which ever one works for you. I recommend Redhat. Sticking with the package manager will help you down the road. If you need custom builds, you build custom RPM's. Don't be a tool and blow over everything with source, it will only come back to bite your butt when the package manager can't find your deps.
    2) what would I have to do to be abel to choose which OS i want when I turn my computer on

    I would use grub (grand unified bootloader) Place it in your MBR, it can load windows or linux. and search for dual boot etc etc,

    3) What (if anything) else would I need to know when installing it?

    2 tips,
    one, install windows first your first time, and make a boot floppy in linux!

    two, google is your new best friend, use it.
  • edited June 2003
    Is there a way to exchange files between Hard drives formatted NTFS and linux? do I need a special prog. for that or can you already do it once you install?

    Also, I've heard that LILO seems to be the best dual boot prog. Do I install it to the HD that windows is on, or the HD that linux is on?

    (ty for the help so far :) )
  • edited June 2003
    Well, actually the safest way is to make a FAT32 partition to trade things between XP and Linux-- boiht can read and write to FAT32 just fine. Linux can READ from NTFS but I would not say safely write to it (the files will be there, but XP will happily tell you your Journalling is corrupt).

    John Danielson.
  • ShivianShivian Australia
    edited June 2003
    Originally posted by Rob
    I would use grub (grand unified bootloader) Place it in your MBR, it can load windows or linux.
    When installing Redhat, it suggested to put GRUB in the partition I was installing Redhat to for dual boot with NT OS' that a mistake or will it still work fine?
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Install it in the MBR is a better bet.

    One note though is that you shouldnt use GRUB is you are using a mobo with onboard video because apparently GRUB may try to use the same memory space causing a big screw up. But, I am using grub on a shared video board and its fine, so, may just be a small percent of people.

    Linux could install perfectly for you, NIC working, GFX working, etc like on my Laptop, or it could go the way of my desktop...... GFX card recognised, but doesnt work, NIC not detected, X tries to start then kicks you back to a terminal prompt.

    If you get stuck at a terminal prompt with no working modules or anything then you are really going to need help, on the other hand, as I said, it may all work out the box, in which case you will be at a nice Windowsish looking interface, its just the way the Wind blows.......

    Another vote for slackware, still dont like Red Hat or Mandrake.

    Oh, on another note, if you use make sure you check the offical website for the distro and get the latest version, dont get a year and a half old version of the distro like I did.

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