Power Guide coming-- in installments

edited July 2003 in Hardware
<p>I think the one best summary of why a UPS's costs are justified is here (Yes, same person, this sidebar is mine and this really happened.):
(Google results)
<a href="http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,1155210,00.asp">Uninterruptible Power Supplies</a>
<b>...</b> Given <b>Winn</b> <b>Rosch</b> wrote an article on <b>UPS</b> technology for <b>ExtremeTech</b>, and PC Magazine
is covering larger 2KVA <b>UPS</b> systems targeted at small offices and networks <b>...</b>
<p >I think that the one best single on-web articlc on UPS technology was writen by one Winn Rosch (whom I respect a lot, and whose words I would not paraphrase as he is a very good writer):
(Google result)
<a href="http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,17631,00.asp">Battery Technology</a>
History, Present, and Future of Battery Technology It's Becoming Much More Than Your
Good Ol' Auto and Duracell Batteries By <b>Winn Rosch</b>. <b>...</b></p>
<p>I emailled “stoopid” and he and I agreed that I could submit some articles for the forthcoming FAQs and Guides area of Icrontic. Figured a glimpse of the content caliber I will be authoring and linking to might gather some more interest for the area.</p>

<p>John Danielson, II</p>


  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    Can you post that in normal text and font please, that style is just annoying....

  • edited July 2003
    Ok, fixed... Was live editting\massaging a commented google result pasted into OOo.org which was then copy\pasted into Netscape's composer as this post thing will not take OOo.org xml pastes, and feeling for a style that worked so I could gen a consistent doc style for my submissions when you suggested that. Good idea, though. Thanks.

    I now know the message input editor parses href's weirdly if the targets are a tib longish, and does not do "p"code paragraphs right with a single blank line between paragraphs when explictily speced in messages. It said HTML was enabled, but the CSS is overriding some of the input. So, had to adapt w3c HTML 3.2 plus CSS 1.0 style to this site's CSS and message editor.
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