HELP, I unlocked the HELL out of this 1700

edited August 2003 in Hardware
I bought a 1700 tbredb to use in a friend's pc, and when working on OCing it, I noticed that only the low end mults were available to me. I found a link which said I could just cut the last l3 bridge to enable the higher mults. Well, I think I may have cut a little to deep, or something, because the thing wont post now. I tried retracing the bridge with conductive ink in a wide swath around the slice to avoid getting the ink in the gap I cut and shorting it out, but nothing is working.

Did I kill this sucker? I didnt cut that deep really, in fact before I tried to run it, I was afraid I didnt cut deeply enough. I dunno what the deal is. Any ideas or suggestions? Did I make a nice new keychain?


  • edited July 2003
    How you liken your key chain so far. :) Not only do you have to watch you don't cut too deep, you can not cut too wide. There are traces that run between the bridges. This is probably where the damage is done. Now that you've toasted the thing, take some fine sandpaper and gently remove the top coating around the bridge area and you will see what I'm talking about. Just take it down to but not through the first layer of copper.
  • edited July 2003
    Iwould have to see a pic to guess. If you did not cut enough, just enough signal may be getting through for it to not post-- might not be strong enough signal.

    I woudl back away from CPU focus for a moment, and reset the CMOS. Getting invalid settign there as far as timing might be a casue for repeated non-posts until it is cleared.

    If you have reset CMOS as well as doing what you have done and tried replacing CMOS battery, odds are much higher that you have a keychain fob.

    John Danielson
  • edited July 2003
    Well, thanks guys. I went ahead and bought a barton 2500 to replace my 2100, which will replace the 1700 I destroyed. I guess you live and you learn. I've never actually destroyed a processor before... good move! I have the Barton doing 12.5x195 right now which is 2438 mhz, which aint too shabby, and is better than I could ever get the 2100 to, so I guess it works out for the best, although I still need to do some more testing (memtest86 is all I've done on it, it was a late night).

    Anyways, it appears that you can definitely see the first layer of copper... weird, because my subjective thought was that there was no way I cut deep enough. At least it was only a 40 dollar chip I destroyed.

    I love Icrontic. I post in other forums, and never do I get such prompt, well-informed responses. Took me awhile to get back into the swing of things since it's come back up, but good to be back.
  • Raid0Raid0 California
    edited July 2003
    Dommer,If it makes you feel better,your not even the 100,000th person to do something like that.This is how we learn.Now if you do that 2 or 3 xs then you should feel bad. Nice recover though,upgrading and all and giving your friend a better cpu for what happend.:cool:
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Looks like you may have toasted the 1700 but made up for it with an excellant OC on the Barton!
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