Best nForce motherboard

danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
edited December 2003 in Hardware
What is the best one out there?

How are Aopen motherboards such as the AK79D-400 Max?


  • edited July 2003
    AOpens are usually stable if not OC'd. As a brand, they are not overclocker's boards.

    Unless you ablsolutely must jump now for some reason, I would wait for the Athlon64's to come out, which will give enough time that very solid test and bench data on nF3 baords will be available. If at that time the nF2's look better still, the prices of nF2's should be down some.

    If you must jump into nforce now, try the nforce+MCP-T combos as probably best overall right now. I will be getting an nforce2, probably, or wait for the Athlon64s. Not decided yet.

    In fact,at this point, am likely to get an Opteron 244 first-- and will wait for prices to stablize before doing so.

    John Danielson.
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited July 2003
    My Epox 8RDA+ Rocked! FSB210 at 2-2-2 timings was sweet.

    Hated to sell her :(
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited July 2003
    The ABIT NF7-S has the MCP-T audio sound set. Currently the NF7-S is $123 and an extra PATA to SATA adapter is $26.

    I can go with my existing AMD Athlon XP2600+ 333FSB 2.08@2.25GHz (Equivalent to a XP2800+ 333FSB) or go get an AMD Athlon XP2800 Barton 2.08GHz for $171
  • CCWCCW Suffolk, UK
    edited July 2003
    Abit NF7-S w/Ultra 400
  • LIQuidLIQuid Raleigh, NC
    edited July 2003
    why does the poll have both chipsets and motherboard manufactureers.... it should be either or :/

    Abit nf7-s 2.0 (ultra 400)
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited July 2003
    Because the motherboard makers have boards with each version of the nForce chip, except the nForce 3
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited July 2003
    This thread needs some more attention
  • CCWCCW Suffolk, UK
    edited July 2003
    who voted for nForce 3 and if you did have you tried this mobo yet? ;)
  • LIQuidLIQuid Raleigh, NC
    edited July 2003
    Well .... this still doesnt make sence to me.

    It should be either MB manufacterures, The boards them selves, or the chipsets themselves, not both. You cant vote for Abit AND NForce 2 ultra 400, so why have them both listed
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited July 2003
    Ok, whatever. I don't see how its hard to understand
  • edited August 2003
  • BobyJoBobyJo N C Texas
    edited August 2003
    Since ASUS was the first mfg to put up the nf2 mobo.
    We have three of these up and running with no problems at all. WHY do you not have ASUS listed in your mfg line??
    Do you have problems with ASUS to the extent that you do not list them.
    One of the systems we have up and running has been in service since November 2002. It is a version 1.03 The other two are 1.04's and have been in service since March and April 2003.
    The one I use has a SATA-PATA converter and never had any corruption in files.
    I have a sound card simply the sound does not come out to the speakers in the proper manor. The Logitech Z640's does not work well with the three wire connectors and SS 5.1.
    Since installing the SantaCruz sound card the bass and rear speakers work beautifully.
    Volume is quite loud if turned up high.
    No distortion anywhere.
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited August 2003
    I didn't think of it at the time. Maybe a moderator can add Asus to the poll and restart the poll.
  • edited August 2003
  • uncleanlycorpseuncleanlycorpse england
    edited December 2003
    hot damn.. NF7-S with Ultra400 all the way :)
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