I need software to cap a "Program"s network utilization

edited July 2003 in Science & Tech
topic says it all, ive got a roomate with a terrible filesharing problem. its killing the network and weve tried alot of things but what it comes down too is he needs to cap its bandwidth...... Only catch here is i dont want to cap his entire network bandwidth because we often share files, games, tunes, whatnot. so i need to restrict only one program.. is this possible? hook me up boyz!


  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited July 2003
    Most file sharing software has a section to set the shared bandwidth to a percentage or actual value. As far as I know, that's the only means of forcing bandwidth alotment, unless you setup a proxy server and used that to cap the bandwidth of a specific port (not 100% sure that's how it would work, but it's too much time for such a small problem anyway).
  • SpYSpY
    edited July 2003
    yeah... i thought someone would say that... you dont understand, ive slowed it down as much as possible, im not n00b, and it is a problem. all im doin is asking a simple question, i dont really need other input. just lookin for a specific thing, all other routes have not been helpful, ive been havin this prob for awhile and its a major problem. i dont feel the need to go into detail because all im posting for is this specific ? "is there a program that can cap a specific apps bandwidth" proxys are outta the ?
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