Radeon 9800 pro dual desktop annoyance

LIQuidLIQuid Raleigh, NC
edited November 2003 in Hardware
hey guys

This is my prob.

I have 2 monitors

1 19" @ 1280x1024 85Hz
1 15" @ 800x600 47Hz interlaced


When i take it off extended desktop and put only the 15" on there... i can run 1024x768 85Hz FINE! thats what the monitor is supposed to do. But for some reason ive never been able to run both monitors like i want them. why the hell not? I have the 15" on the dvi controller with the adapter that came with the card. Any idea? Also, when i go to Display properties > settings > advanced > overlay

i see a "clone mode option" and it reads "these overlay settings are only avail in dual-controller clone mode, not in single monitor or extended desktop"

so wtf? i want to be able to run both monitors are their max. Why cant i? and why cant i use anything other than this nasty 47Hz interlaced ;[


  • edited November 2003
    Try 2 monitors of the same size (if you have them), and see if it still gives you the same problem.
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