No Anti-aliasing in OpenGL.

edited September 2003 in Hardware
Recently I purchased a Sapphire ATI Radeon 9500 non-pro from Previously I had a GF3 Ti200. I installed the card and updated to the 3.6 Catalyst drivers only to find out that AA would not work at all in OpenGL. At first I was thinking it was simply Half-Life that was the problem but I tried Quake 3 and I could still see crooked edges while having the card set to 6x AA and 16x ASF. D3D games such as Raven Shield and UT2K3 couldn't run better.

My specs are:
AMD XP 1900+
512MB PC2100

I have tried rolling back onto older Catalyst drivers, reformatting my computer, and updating the SiS 735 AGP drivers and I still have no luck. Was I simply slipped a bad card or is there something I'm doing completely wrong?

I ran the Dawn demo with the OpenGL wrapper and the AA worked flawlessly, so I don't know what exactly I should do. I'm so very sad/angry right now. :(


  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited August 2003
    just checking, but you removed the nVidia software properly?(uninstall, remove from device manager)
    And you are running the lastest versions of the ATI Control Panel and any other ATI software?
    I dont know if it is at all tied to the AGP speed either (4x).

  • edited August 2003
    mexi, the SIS 735 drivers will interfere with the ATI drivers unless they are installed before the ATI drivers. Second, ATI needs it own DirectX to work right-- don't upgrade DirectX unless with the ATI\Sapphire driver CD or a Sapphire or ATI driver upgrade pack. Third, the card might be bad.

    I would get the June 2nd revision of the AGP chipset utuility drivers from SIS directly and TRY those, but plan on reinstalling the ATI drivers afterwards. To be honest with you, I think it is the SIS chipset to blame here, not the graphics card.

    Could also be the monitor, what kind of monitor do you have??? And what model, if you can look at teh abck and tell me, PLEASE.
  • edited August 2003
    I have an AOC 19" Monitor. I was unaware of the DirectX problems and I am currently running on my old GF3 Ti200. But now I stand wondering whether or not to reinstall.

    Should I reinstall what can I use to remove all remnants of Nvidia's drivers? Would I have to reformat to make the new SiS AGP drivers work or will uninstalling the GF3 then reinstalling the AGP drivers then installing the ATi card work? And when you say the SiS chipset do you mean the motherboard just not cutting anymore? If so I'll probably just RMA the card back to newegg and lose 25%. I'd probably be happier with a newer motherboard to go along with the new video card.
  • edited August 2003
    Uninstall the GF3 drivers, definitely.

    Get and install the SIS AGP drivers,to do this I woudl also uninstall any ATI drivers you have first.

    Then go get, on the web, the latest drivers for your new card(drivers for the nearest to your card, say 9500) at:
    These will be pretty much universal for anything on the 9000 range at least and the installer will try to figure out what card driver set to install. Ignore Sapphire for now, the 9500 Sapphire I have works with ATI drivers also, on a KT400 chipset board just fine. The other reason I say ATI is thier latest drivers are likely to be able to mod DirectX as needed.

    Play some games. If many less problems, then decide what to do about the mobo but the Via chipsets get along with ATI usually so I would get that (I use an MSI KV4VL) unless you really want the nForce2 and a new nvidia in which case I would RMA the card or sell to someone with a Via chipset board that wants a new card if you can get more that way after you cut the price by 25% and figure shipping back to NewEgg-- guess shipping at $8.00 if you ship real slow and wait and pack it right, twice as much for fast once you figure packaging and padding if you have no bubble wrap or peanuts (foam) around.

    If still lots of problems, then figure out if you want to RMA the card. Lets take this one step at a time, okay??? By doing so you will learn how to fix similar things later also.

    At a guess, what is happening to you is a mix of things that all add up to a mess. Software is cheaper to fix first (drivers are software too) and will tell you if lots of your problem was driver conflicts plus not knowing the order to put things into Windows.

    More folks reload Windows just cuz they messed up the driver install order and do not know how that fubars things in part all by itself. IKNOW having nVidia software and ATI software in a box at once will make for a mess-- done that, was not at all happy with result.
  • dodododo Landisville, PA
    edited August 2003
    where do you get ATI specific versions of DirectX?

  • edited September 2003
    I know i'm late to this problem but i would like to jump to say that i have this same problem with my radeon 9800 pro 128 mb i just bought. AA will not work correctly no matter what i specify in the drivers. I have reformatted windows and installed the default ATI catalyst drivers, to no avail. This is so frustrating i have this card specifically for AA capabilities and i paid 350$ for it. I dont know if i can RMA it because i have had it for almost 3 weeks now.

    IT works flawlessly otherwise in windows, and 3d runs just fine.

    How could it be a bad card if it works otherwise? is it just strange that AA doesnt work?

    here are my specs

    1800+ XP
    Nforce2 400 mobo (Gigabyte 400Pro2)
    Nvidia drivers are messing me up? I only have the nvidia chipset drivers installed. Help! thanks

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