Not Posting...Trying to trouble-shoot.
Ugh! A while back my computer's power supply died... so I bought a new one a few days ago, put it in and turned it on... NOTHING! No "beep" or nothing. Blank screen but everything is running, fan's, hard drive... Just wondering what I can do to trouble shoot this to figure out what the problem is... Can I?
Sorry for the bad news.
Welcome to the forums
l33txp try the cpu in another board and see if it's still ok. Odds are the mobo is toast. If the cpu checks out, you can strip the mobo down and out of the case. See if you get anywhere there.
Oh yea. Welcome to the Forum.
Thanks for the welcome!! I've been here a long time... way back before the site was shut down... Now it's back up!! Just recently found it though!!
How does that work?? Never knew you could do that... What do I need to do? Does it matter the chip is about 1-2 years old?