Need Advice on a Video ard

edited August 2003 in Hardware
Hello everyone ,

I would like an advice about which video card is the best for 3D rendering and video editing.
software used 3DMAX, MAYA and premiere /

Thank you very much


  • BobyJoBobyJo N C Texas
    edited August 2003
    The only card I could think of that might fill the bill would be the All in Wonder Radeon 9800 Pro.
    This is a relatively new card that has just been released to the market.
    Haven't read any reviews as of yet.
  • DoM-aLDoM-aL Indiana
    edited August 2003
    Any quadro, parahelia, or firegl's would get the job done.
  • Nolf-JobNolf-Job Inside each and every one of you!
    edited August 2003
    Both the quadro and fire gl lines of cards would be good for this, however, if you have a lower budget you can try and pick up a 9500 pro or 9700 pro and softmod it to a fire gl x1. I hear that it works really well and saves you a few hundred dollars.
  • edited August 2003
    Hey thnx guys, i checked out all the graphic cards you mentioned , well great but some are really expensive :rolleyes:

    thank you very much for your help

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