Woot Woot........what A Deal!!!
My wife's machine has been getting worse and worse. She has an ECS K7S5A (old green pcb) and it was one of the ones that had a problem keepin cmos settings (changed battery several times). Now it's doing other irritating things but she liked the board in general and I have built over 2 dozen without a problem other than this one. It did take almost 2 years for this problem to develop also. So I saw that Fry's had the newer K7S5A Pro with an XP2000+ for $69. That is quite a deal and was basicly like getting the board for $7. And to make matters even better I looked at the processor and found it to be a "DLT3C JIUHB 0322UPMW". I will put her old 1800 back in and will add the new chip to my O/C collection.