Get your UT on this Sunday!

kanezfankanezfan sunny south florida Icrontian
edited August 2003 in Gaming
Since we now have have an official UT server... here's your official announcement :P

This Sunday, at noon EST, 1700 BST, we will hold our first official death match/ctf/whatever else session to inaugurate the new server. I don't wanna call it a UK vs. US tournament or an addaboy vs. short-media vs. icrontic thing yet, more of a breaking in the server for stress testing and load type thing. Let's not pick teams, we'll just jump in and play and have a good time. Remember, this Sunday August 17 at 1200 EST, 1700 BST, everyone join in for max deathmatch fun!


  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited August 2003
    WooHoo, whos excited!!! i think i need to brush up on my ut skills. btw, is this ut2k3 or old school ut?
  • kanezfankanezfan sunny south florida Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    old school baby!
  • edited August 2003
    I had the same question, and what is Icrontic's official ut server and where's it at? I hope I can get some decent ping over here in the US so I can play.
  • kanezfankanezfan sunny south florida Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    I don't think that Icrontic has an official UT server, however Hawk has said that he's paying for the server and it's not just for addaboy (even though he's called it the addaboy UT server) but for all three sites (addaboy, Icrontic, and SM.)

    btw, the server is up at all times, so you can play anytime you want, it's just that without making an official time, there's only ever like 2-3 real people on it at any given time.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited August 2003
    ooo, now old school UT i can deal with. tear, brings back old memories of playing during study breaks back in high school . . .
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited August 2003
    so . . . did this ever happen? i was without internet and was unable to participate, but are there any good stories? did it even happen?!!!
  • edited August 2003
    Yes, it did happen. I was wondering where you were drowd. I showed up about 20 minutes late I think and played till kanez left. There was about 8 - 12 people I think. I forgot how fast paced UT was. I think I did alright considering I hadn't played in so long though. I managed to win one round and than someone called slick owned everyone every round after that.
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited August 2003
    yeah, i had planned on coming, but i moved to a new apartment last thursday, and so far i still have no teh internet. i let the staff guys know, but i forgot to mention anything to some of the other ICF regulars. well, i hope they can do it again, and i hope i have internet access. btw, is slick xandermann? just curious . . .
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