Question concerning HD formatting

Def_PulseDef_Pulse Wisconsin
edited August 2003 in Hardware
I know this is prolly a dumb question but heres the situation...

I've got a comp with two hard drives. One has been partitioned as C: and D:, and the other is E:. Now, I would like to wipe everything from these HDs, OS and everything. I am starting over with this comp, I would like to then install Win98 again and start over. Would I just go and format them, or is there some other way I should go about doing this.

I know I could just go and buy a new HD or two, but if I can wipe these clean I'd like to use these for now until I build a new comp.



  • DoM-aLDoM-aL Indiana
    edited August 2003
    Insert your Win98 cd at startup and go into the setup. Search around in there and delete the partitions on both of the drives. Once that is done all you have to do is repartition them and they are a clean slate.
  • edited August 2003
    If you want to keep the partitions, you can just reformat them. If you want to change or delete the partitions you will have to use fdisk to make those changes and then format them. Both fdisk and format should be on your 98 start disk.
  • Def_PulseDef_Pulse Wisconsin
    edited August 2003
    Ok thanx. I just found one of the manuals for the comp and found that fdisk will do that, but just making sure. Thanx for the help.
  • Cyber13Cyber13 Virginia
    edited August 2003
    After u f-disk and create 1 active partition and format, I like to write zero's to the drive. I have heard that this is one sure way that no virisus remain on the drive and it is truly clean.
    Any opinions on this peeps?
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