USB PCI card problem

edited August 2003 in Hardware
I bought a cheap 5port USB PCI card today and whenever I put it in the celeron 400 with epox mobo (can check model if needed) it won't post. I unplugged everything and did the barebones test and still no post. It has no problem getting to windows on my computer so I'm not sure if there's anything else I can do?


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2003
    Its probably the card but... have you tried other pci slots? Thats about the only advice for ya.

  • edited August 2003
    I gave up in the end and swapped it for a swannsmart 2port card and that works and installs the drivers fine off the win98se cd but now I have to find a way for it to recognise that i've plugged something in ie mouse/printer.

    edit: had to enable the 'onchip usb' in the bios for windows to recognise devices on the card
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