mic problems

edited August 2003 in Hardware
my microphone works... i know cuz i can hear myself talk when it isnt muted... but it just doesnt seem to work in counter strike or when i want to talk on aim... does anyone have any idea how i can fix this.... all i did was unhook my computer to move it and then the mic didnt work after that, when i booted up my comp the sound didnt even work, i had to switch it back to my sound card, from my onboard sound....


  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited August 2003
    Windows has several layers to its audio controls. Be sure to open the full mixer and make sure no ther input sources are shown as muted, and that your primary input recording source is set to the mic... then, if there' s any third party software, it gets even more complicated from here...

    I've had some similar issues with my Santa Cruz... keep widdling away, you'll find what's causing it.
  • edited August 2003
    I've had problems with my mike and xp. Actually I have two, one of which is on my camera and don't want to use. Usually have to go through the setup dealy in Messenger to get it setup properly. The control panel method never seems to do the job.
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