Why I love Geil!!

I love geil cause of thier price/perfomance ratio AND the lifetime warrenty. I pushed my 512 stick of ram alittle to far and it went on the fritz and fried. I send it back no questions asked get a package today ( 2 weeks later exactly ) With a NEW stick of 512 ULTRA ram. The ram i sent them was not ultra and the letter i got says "sorry for any inconvienience and please except this upgraded ram as a replacement" Maybe its cause i was very nasty on the phone but hey i got me another ultra stick to match mine I have now!
j/k i just wanted to be a smartass. ^^
The memory business still remains as one which closely adheres to the old saying "You get what you pay for."
GEiL is cheap because the products are cheap in many regards.
Nevertheless, enjoy your new RAM.
SimGuy, what timings do you run on that ram with DDR500 (I have the same ram on an ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe) ???
That would get me 4ghz on 1:1 ... I would need some mad cooling probably .... I don't think the slk900 would cool that.
3-4-4-7 @ 2.9V DDR500.
Want 4.0 GHz from a P4 3.2C that has a thermal dissipation of over 100 W's? You'll need a Prometeia Mach II or VapoChill.
Or... a Multiplier unlocked P4
Mmmm.... P4C800-E, P4 3.2C @ 4.3 GHz on the Prometeia Mach II.
If I don't o/c the ram and go DDR466 @ 1:1 that would be 3.73ghz on the cpu. Think a 900u can handle that? (Getting that blizzard case with 3 120mm panaflos)
Wheeee, HIJACKED this thread like a MOFO.
As well, do you know your FPO/Batch code for your P4?
The fan is a 92mm sunon.
Thrax, im wondering how you know this for a fact? Memeory needs to be manufactued to certain standards, and it may not overclock as high Corsair or Mushkin, but it is only gauranteed to run at the rated speed. Remeber, the overclocking runs the chip out of spec, and the manufacturer places no warranty on that(thus voiding the warranty). I agree it may not be the memory of choice for the overclocker, but they offer a pretty good price for stock or slightly OC'ed systems.
Read some newegg reviews. I've seen numerous times people complaining that the memory needed extra voltage or would just refuse to run at spec.
Why I love Mushkin, Corsair, KHX.
When I tinker and push it to the limit, it doesn't die.
If I had to do it again, I would just spend the $40 for Corsair or the million dollars (heh) for Mushkin. Seriously, Mushkin is priced crazy. I guess they figure that if they make it cost more people will think it is better? I mean it's good, but it isn't 50% faster than Corsair... So it shouldn't cost 50% more. I haven't even looked at their prices for a lonnnng time, so I might be way off. That's just a measure of how bad their pricing turned me off.
Secondly, there's a gigantic, huge, gimongous, titanic listing out there of people who have their 2.5/3/3 pc3200 GeiL memory, which is supposed to do 200MHz, 2.6v, at 2.5/3/3. Right?
Try 3/4/4, 2.8v, and 190MHz to get it stable.
That happens a LOT with GeiL, a sickening amount. I see it EVERYWHERE, a lot more than I have seen problems with almost ANY other memory manufacturer of 3200 (Except OCZ, they suck too).
And besides, if it isn't a well-supported fact, I generally avoid saying it.
OCZ has come a long way since then. That may be the fact for their 3200 line, but everything above is really good memory, often cheaper and better than corsair or mushkin.
What a Thraxism, I love it.
The other issue with memory is that some of the higher speed memory has been rated at 3-3-3-8 at high speed, but would not run any tighter at low speeds. This is inicitive of some real board/componant issues.