HELP!! New system with random resets

edited August 2003 in Hardware
I just finished building my own pc all by myself for the first time, and most things are running smoothly, except my system keeps crashing randomly. The crashes happen without warnings and would act as if I pressed the reset bottom. The screen goes black and the system restarts again. Now I am not even sure it's a hardware problem, but everything software-wise are newly installed and I could find no indication of software failure. Please help me out, I don't want my investment to go to waste.
My system spec:
Intel Pentium 4 2.6 GHz 800
Crucial CT3264Z40B 512MB DDR PC3200
Chaintech GeForce 4 Ti4800SE
Maxtor 160GB 8MB Buffer Hard Drive
CPU Heatsink:Thermaltake Spark 7


  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited August 2003
    Did you check for worms?
    Typical symptoms may include Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems rebooting every few minutes without user input, or Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 systems becoming unresponsive.
    Removal tool from Symantec.
  • edited August 2003
    Great idea. However I didn't find any worms using the tool provided on the website...
  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited August 2003
    Good news actually. Ok try this:

    Right click my computer, manage, event viewer, applications and look for red warnings, do the same for system. Write down the code # and do a search for the meaning unless it's very obvious.
  • edited August 2003
    Wow, a sea of red....
    I think the one that cause the problem is
    source:System Error
    Error code 000000d1, parameter1 00000060, parameter2 0000001d, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 f819c765.
    I looked through the website and a person says:
    Error code 000000d1 = "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". A faulty device driver would typically be the cause of that. See also the comments for event id 1001 from "Save Dump"
    So does this mean I have bad drivers?
    I am pretty sure I used all official drivers from the various parts that I got.
  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited August 2003
    Are any devices in 'device manager' showing an exclamation mark?
    Are you overclocking?
    Did you try running in 'safe mode' for a while to see if the problem continues?
  • edited August 2003
    No excalmation marks in device manager and no I am not overclocking. I'll try safe mode now.
  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited August 2003
    You might have bad RAM then. Do you have another stick to try?
  • edited August 2003
    I just reinstalled XP because before I couldn't even log onto the Internet without resetting my computer. Things seems fine right now. I am bracing myself for crash still...
    By the way I don't have extra RAM to test.
  • edited August 2003
    The crash is there again...
    I am beginning to think the crash has something to do with AOL, which I use at home. AOL has always been crash-prone and it probably has some conflict with my system for some stupid reason. I'll see if using an older version helps...
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    It sounds hardware related.. Like EQ said, bad RAM is a possibility. When Windows XP has some sort of hardware conflict, it screams like a little girl and restarts itself unless you tell it not to, in which case it will show a BSOD. I don't know what's worse though: listening to WinXP cry or watching it turn blue in the face...
  • JohnnyrunonJohnnyrunon Indiana
    edited August 2003
    I agree it might be a worm virus. You can go to and download a program called stinger.exe, which is a stand alone virus scanner for 27 different viruses and varients. I downloaded this for a friend that was having the same problem. It found the virus and got rid of it. Hope this helps.
  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited August 2003
    Johnnyrunon, please read posts 2 & 3... :rolleyes:
  • edited August 2003
    I just installed a new modem thinking that my crashes are internet connections related. The old modem was from my previous computer (3 years old), while everything else are brand new. The computer has been crash-free for a whole day now, and I am keeping my hopes up.
  • edited August 2003
    that is not virus is 100% hardware related. it could be your PSU, ram or another peice of your modem. also, to get rid of automatic restarting, which is default in XP, you have to change a setting somewhere in sytem config, that'll change it so instead of auto restart everytime there is an error, it'll shwo you the BSOD
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