NView TV Display Problem...

SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
edited August 2003 in Hardware
lo all, first time post for me! bean awaiting for my account to get authorised for a bit ;)

anyhow was wondering if anyone can shine a light on my lil problem...

I have a G4 TI4600 (MSI model) which has TV out and all that doo-dar.... I hook my TV up to the TV out and watch films on it.. because my TV is much bigger than my monitor..

This is all fine and dandy with the old 12.41 detonator drivers but with newer ones all i get is a black and white display of my desktop on the TV. Its plugged in exactly the same as before too.

oh and with the new drivers it seems to pout the desktop onto BOTH screens, sharing it. I just want a "clone" of the desktop on the TV like I had before.

any help woul be great.



  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited August 2003
    i believe this is happening because you need to set the tv to the primary location. i think its supposed to be some sort of protection against watching pirated movies or something, but it wasnt really hashed out. but i remember when they came out with the new drivers, and i had this same problem and i think i had to mess with which "monitor" was set to primary, but i havent messed with it in a while. fortunately, certain types of xbox's allow me other options :D . . .
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited August 2003
    argh bastarding thing! its just blanked out the options now haha!

    ah well... i will sort it out somehow, cheers for info
  • stoopidstoopid Albany, NY New
    edited August 2003
    Originally posted by drowd
    i think i had to mess with which "monitor" was set to primary, but i havent messed with it in a while. fortunately, certain types of xbox's allow me other options :D . . .

    That's precisely it, set the TV to primary and issue's solved, set it back when done.
  • edited August 2003
    Sounds more like you need to set the output to coax rather than S-video.
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