GeForce Ti4200 vs FX5200
Wichita Falls, TX
How much of a performance increase would I see with a GeForce FX5200 128MB DDR AGP8x vs a GeForce Ti4200 64MB DDR AGP 4x that I currently have?
What they did with the 5200 was two or three fold. I have seen them with broken output pipes (not all, about 1\2 of what the faster cards have), slower RAM (like 1\2 as fast) and they are barely DX 9.0 compliant in reality due to slow RAM versus more expensive cards, and what you get with the faster more expensive cards is faster RAM on card and chips that are not broken piped. That is from tech standpoint. Graphics RAM is hyper expensive in the latest cards, coudl step exactly with price and they will probbaly be clearing about same per card for all but the very top end simply by using slower RAM they have now for older cards and slower cards.