how do you do it?

edited September 2003 in Hardware
how do i overclock? yes i know imma newb and prolly get alot of shit for saying this LOL... someone wanna tell me?


  • d-rkerd-rker UK
    edited August 2003
    the front page has an article by karatekid entitled Overclocking : Clocks for all ,that explains the principles and methodes of Ocing .
    i'm not very familiar with intel Ocing but i'm sure someone will step in and tip you .

    and welcome to Icrontic ;)

    *btw it would help everybody help you if you post your system specs . ;) *

  • edited August 2003
    sony vio
    intel P IV 2.6ghz
    intel 64mb vid card
    120gig hdd
    and that ss should give you the rest.

    thank you.
  • d-rkerd-rker UK
    edited August 2003
    a lappy ?!
    though one ...
  • edited August 2003
    desktop no laptops for me they hurt my lap aha
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    Sorry to say but with a manufactured major brand you are pretty much out of luck. Mfgrs such as Compaq, Dell, Gateway, HP and Sony among others build their systems for stability so the average noob will have as little problems as possible. They purposely don't include items in the bios (basic input/ output system) to allow overclocking.
  • edited September 2003
    well isn't there a way to get a new version of BIOS? or even could buy a new cd for windows so i don't have the sony version.
  • karatekidkaratekid Ogdensburg, NY
    edited September 2003
    w00t, a plug for my article :D. You should also check out stoopid's <A HREF="; target=_blank>FAQ</A> for more overclocking information.

    As mtgoat said, you have a brand name computer, so kiss your dreams of overclocking good bye. The components have basically had all overclocking options disabled, and there is no way of enableing them.

    Getting a new BIOS will probably be difficult and unfruitful. Brand name manufacturers generally do not provide BIOS updates because flashing (updating) your BIOS is somewhat risky, especially if you do not know what you are doing. Furthermore, if Sony does have a new BIOS you can download, there is a 99.999% chance it will not have overclocking options in it.

    BTW, don't worry about buying a copy of Windows. Windows has absolutly nothing to do with your BIOS or weather you can overclock or not.
  • d-rkerd-rker UK
    edited September 2003
    i never had a brand pc but you could check your bios at least ,to see if you have any options to change voltages ,memory settings ,dividers .
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